Driving a truck means long periods of sitting and remaining cooped up in the truck’s cabin. Over time, all of that driving could lead to injury and stress buildup. That’s why it’s helpful to know some trucker exercise techniques. These techniques can help you remain limber and healthy despite all that long driving…

Trucker Exercise: Stretches And More

Back stretches

The first kind of trucker exercise to consider are back stretches. A good stretch is very useful for decompressing your spine and loosening your muscles. Plus, they’ll also help reduce back pains and make those long drives a lot more tolerable.

For example, a good stretch to try is the backbend. All you have to do is place your hands behind your back, and lean as far back as you can. Repeat this 5-10 times, and then do the same in the front. Also, when doing these front bends, try to put your hands on your hips, as this will help stretch your legs too.


The next trucker exercise technique to try is walking or running. Much like stretches, walking or running can be done anywhere with practically no equipment. For instance, you could do some walking around a rest stop before you get back in your truck. In fact, truckers can actually use their trucks to their advantage.

It’s not a bad idea to walk or run around your truck when you have the chance. 32 laps around a truck with a trailer is equal to about one mile. Plus, 30 minutes of walking or running tends to burn about 200-300 calories. Therefore, this is a great way to get some exercise while also stretching those muscles.

Bodyweight exercises

Another good form of trucker exercise to consider are bodyweight exercises. These exercises include things like push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, etc. These exercises are great because much like the previous examples, you need little to no extra equipment for them. Although, it might be a good idea to bring a workout mat so you don’t have to directly touch the ground!

It’s a good idea to first start with a handful of exercises and then do a few repeating reps of each whenever you have the chance. Then, switch it up and add some new ones in the mix. Not only will that keep some variety, it’ll also let you add in other exercises into the mix as well!