Alcoholism and Relationship Damage: Managing your Habit 

A bad habit can always be difficult to break However, breaking bad habits can often have a wonderful impact on your life, and your relationships. Take, for example, alcoholism and an intimate relationship. In many cases, serious alcohol abuse can cause relationship damage. Therefore, if you’re finding yourself in this situation, you’re likely looking for ways to save your relationship, your health, and manage your drinking. So, we’re going to focus on just that…

Alcoholism and Relationship Damage: Managing your Habit

Acknowledging the issue

The first step you can take towards repairing relationship damage due to alcohol is to acknowledge a problem, and where it starts. If you, and/or your partner, has acknowledged that alcohol is causing an issue in your relationship— it might be time to make a change. Ultimately, you have to decide what alcohol is worth to you. In other words, is your relationship more important to you than having a few drinks on the weekend? If it is, then maybe you should consider doing one of the following things…

Go alcohol-free for a period

Alcohol is bringing harm to the things you hold near and dear. Therefore, going without it for a while might help you prioritize. Not to mention, taking time away from alcohol can help you lose weight, save money, avoid nasty hangovers, and avoid relationship damage. If quitting cold turkey seems daunting to you, cut back bit by bit. Maybe start by going on a date with your significant other, and skipping that glass of wine. Or, do yoga at the end of a day to reduce stress instead of reaching for a cold one. By making this step, you’re showing your partner that you’re serious about making a change.

Have a conversation

No one starts drinking really heavily for no reason at all. Whether you’re stressed, anxious, depressed, angry, or so forth— there’s some reason that you aren’t stopping. So, take some time to talk it out. The person you’re with is supposed to be there for you and to listen when you need a shoulder to lean on, use that. It’s never a good time to talk about things when you’re under the influence. Typically, when drunk, it’s hard to say what you mean, and it’s easy for tempers to flare. So, using this period of time to talk with one another about your needs and wants might be extremely therapeutic.

Find a new hobby, maybe even together

Drinking is a vice, so replace it. Everyone has a method for relieving stress, and yours just so happens to be drinking. Now that you want to replace alcohol, consider finding a hobby for the two of you together. By doing something together, you have something to talk about, bond over, and improve on together. When you’re in a rut, taking action on something together can make a big difference in how you feel. Not to mention, it can help to rebuild a bit of your relationship that was lost…

Getting Healthy While in Recovery

Getting healthy while in recovery is a great idea as long as you have your doctor’s approval. You don’t want to strain your body with too much change at once. However, if you’ve been cleared for exercise and a diet change, it’s a great way to repair some of the damage that drinking can cause. Keep it gradual though. Slow and steady is the safest way to make any lifestyle changes. Get plenty of exercise, especially heart-healthy exercise like cardio. In addition, it’s a great idea to clean up your diet and aim for whole foods with as few additives as possible. Getting enough sleep is incredibly important for your overall health. And finally, don’t skip your mental health. Recovery is hard, so make sure to take care of yourself emotionally as well. Hopefully, you can be well on your way to a cleaner life. Your body will thank you!

Getting Healthy While in Recovery: Slow and Steady


Exercise is very important for getting healthy while in recovery. Drinking can be very hard on your organs, especially your heart. Heart-healthy exercise like cardio can help repair some of this damage. Pairing cardio with strength training is a great way to increase your strength and tone your body. Take things slowly at first, and speak to a doctor before you attempt exercise if it’s been a while.

Eating Healthy

Eating healthy is another important factor for getting healthy while in recovery. Drinking can add on the pounds, as alcohol is chock full of empty calories, carbs, and sugar. If you’re looking to trim down while in recovery, aim for whole foods. Load up on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins.


Another important factor for getting healthy while in recovery that often gets overlooked is sleep. Sleep is incredibly important for your overall well-being. Long-term alcohol abuse can cause sleep issues, so you might be having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Try to set the stage for good sleep by investing in room-darkening curtains, a sound machine, and comfortable sheets. Listen to calming music, take a warm bath, or inhale calming lavender before bed. And cut the screen time off within the last hour before you go to sleep.

Mental Health

Finally, your mental health can’t be ignored when getting healthy while in recovery. Detox and recovery are incredibly hard and stressful. You might be getting some therapy as part of a detox program. However, once you leave a rehab facility, it’s up to you to continue this. A therapist can help you grapple with stress and set you up for successful goal-setting. Make sure to set aside time in your schedule for taking care of your mental health. Perhaps that means booking a session with your therapist, making time for coffee with a friend, or just sitting outside for a little peace and quiet.

Getting healthy while in recovery is a great idea to change your entire life. You’re already making such a great decision for your health by cutting out substances. You might as well take this opportunity to invest in your overall health. If a doctor has given the okay for you to exercise, start with some gradual activities and slowly build up. Aim to eat cleanly by focusing on lots of fruits and veggies. Set yourself up for a successful night of sleep each night, and aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep overall. And finally, make sure to focus on your mental health while you take care of your physical health. You are well on your way to repairing many of the negative effects of long-term substance abuse and living a cleaner, happier life.

Alcohol Recovery: Whole Body Health

If you are in alcohol recovery, you can achieve whole-body health by making sure to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Deciding to quit drinking shows that you care about your well-being. If you are getting clean, it’s a great time to focus your energy on getting your whole body more healthy. Start by eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise. Proper sleep is also very important for your overall well-being. And finally, never skip your mental wellness when trying to achieve whole-body health. It’s important to learn healthy ways to cope with stress so that you are successful with your sobriety. Hopefully, you can get your body in the best health it’s ever been now that you are focused on staying sober.

Alcohol Recovery: Whole Body Health While Staying Sober

Eating Healthy Foods

Whole-body health starts with eating healthy foods. Alcohol can lead to a lot of weight gain, so now that you are getting sober, you might see some weight come off. However, it’s important to also make good changes to your diet to continue this trend. Try to fill your plate with fresh fruits and veggies. Next, opt for whole grains instead of things made from white flour. And make sure to get plenty of lean proteins. It’s best to choose organic when possible so that you are getting all of the nutrients available without additives and preservatives.


Another important aspect of whole-body health is exercise. Exercising is a great way to get your body leaner and more toned. However, it also can be stress-relieving and make you feel happier because of the endorphin rush. Aim to get around 30 minutes of cardio each day with some weight lifting mixed in every few days.


Sleep is imperative for whole-body health. Drinking can negatively affect your sleep in many ways. Hopefully, you’ll be seeing the positive effects of getting sober already by falling and staying asleep more easily. If you are trying to get a good night’s rest, make sure to turn off all screens at least an hour before bed. Try not to eat heavy meals within an hour or two of bedtime as well. Make your bedroom and bed as inviting and comfortable as possible.

Mental Wellness

Finally, whole-body health wouldn’t be complete without including your mental wellness. Alcoholism and alcohol recovery is emotionally draining. It can take a huge toll on your mental health. It’s important to learn healthy coping strategies so that stress won’t make you go back to drinking. Speak to a therapist, or consider joining a group program like AA to learn some great techniques for handling stress. Consider meditation, focused breathing, and journaling as well to help you get focused on your sobriety and fight stress.

Whole-body health is very important when in alcohol recovery. You’re already making such a great decision for your well-being, it’s a great time to focus on all areas of your body. Make sure that you start by eating cleanly and in sensible portions. Try to get plenty of exercise during the week. Make sure that you set yourself up for successful and restful sleep each night. And finally, consider therapy or other techniques for tending to your mental wellbeing. Make sure that you learn some great coping skills for stress so that you aren’t tempted to drink when you feel overwhelmed. You’ve made a great decision for your overall well-being to give up drinking, now is the time to get in the best health of your entire life!

How-to: Be a Savvy Wine Shopper: Wine Knowledge

Choosing a bottle of wine can be a daunting decision. There are so many labels, bottles, styles, and regions to wade through. If you familiarize yourself with all of the different things you will come across when shopping for wine, you will soon be a savvy wine shopper! Also, your experience with wine shopping will be much easier and will make it easy to share your expertise with friends.

How-to: Be a Savvy Wine Shopper: Wine Knowledge


The taste of a wine can differ based on acidity and sweetness levels. Wine labels often use the terms “sweet,” “semi-sweet” or “dry.” A dry wine will not be sweet at all. Wines with high acidity will be more tart. On the other hand, low-acidity wines will taste rounder or richer.

Wines have unique flavors. A savvy wine shopper will pick a wine that has similar flavors, or notes, like other things that you like. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, you will likely prefer a sweeter wine. On the other hand, if you love the taste of bitter, black coffee, you may like a more acidic wine.


Tannins are phenolic compounds in the skins of grapes. They give the wine a more bitter taste. Tannins also tend to dry out your mouth, but they do not actually relate to the ‘dryness’, or sweetness level, of the wine. Some tannins develop as part of the wine-making process and other times they could be added in. Red wine has more tannins, giving it its uniquely dry and bitter finish. Knowing this will help you be a savvy wine shopper.


While many people get hung up on the age of the wine, it is not that important. It is common for people to think that the older the wine is, the better it tastes. This is only true for some wines. For example, some types of wine will get better with age based on the region it comes from, or the number of tannins, sugars, and acids it has. Typically, red wines age better than white ones. A savvy wine shopper knows that most wines should be consumed within 5 years of purchase.


Wines produced in different regions will have different characteristics and qualities. Wine from areas where wine was originally made is called Old World Wines. These are typically more dry and bitter. Examples of these countries are France, Italy, or Spain. On the other hand, New World wines are the counties that are newer to winemaking. These countries include the US, South Africa, and Australia. These wines are going to tend to be sweeter. Knowing this will let everyone know that you are a savvy wine shopper.


Another thing to know as a savvy wine shopper is the term body. Wines can be described as having a light body, full-body, or somewhere in the middle. This refers to how heavy or light the wine feels in your mouth. Generally, red wines have a fuller body than whites. In the same way, heavy body applies to wines made from grapes that are grown in warmer regions, rather than cooler ones.

How-to Reduce Alcohol Intake: Using Moderation

Drinking in moderation can be a good way to relax and enjoy yourself. However, if you notice that you’ve been drinking more and more than usual, it could be the sign of some dangerous behavior developing. That’s why it’s good to know what you can do to cut down on your alcohol intake. This can help you keep healthy while still enjoying your favorite drinks…

How-to Reduce Alcohol Intake: Important Techniques

Set a limit

One good way to lower your alcohol intake is by setting a hard limit. Usually, before someone start drinking, they’ll have a basic idea of how much they want to drink. Yet, once they begin drinking, it’s easy for them to drink way more than they expected.

By setting a hard limit, you know exactly how much you want to drink. That way, when you start drinking, you know when to stop. Plus, it’s good to let any friends with you know what your limit is as well. This will help them not pressure you into drinking past this limit, and instead help you stick to it.

Eat beforehand

Some people try to not eat much before they drink. In their eyes, they try to balance the empty calories that comes with drinking by limiting what they eat. In reality, it’s not a good idea to drink on an empty stomach, especially if you want to limit your alcohol intake.

By drinking on an empty stomach, you’re setting yourself up to drink way more than you should. It’s pretty simple, as the more space there is in your stomach, the more you can drink before feeling full. By eating beforehand, you’ll be able to better limit your alcohol intake. This will also help you avoid feeling sick or nauseous after a few drinks.

Choose healthier options

Picking healthier choices is also good for when you want to cut down on your alcohol intake. Of course, the most apparent choice is water. Drinking water will help keep you hydrated after drinking alcohol. Plus, it’ll also help you feel full without needing to drink any alcohol. You can also try out some non-alcoholic drinks. Many of these drinks will taste similar to their alcoholic ones, just without the alcohol in them. Choosing these drinks can be good if you want to watch your intake, but still want to experience some unique flavors.  

Using Pet Therapy for Addiction

Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction can be a very long and difficult journey for many people. Trying pet therapy for addiction can be very useful for recovery for several reasons. Pets have been proven to boost your mood. Who can’t resist a happy dog’s boundless energy? In addition, pets instill a sense of responsibility for their owners which can be an important step in recovery. Pets have also been shown to increase self-confidence. And finally, a therapy pet is an excellent source of support when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. If you’re struggling with addiction, consider adopting a therapy pet to help you with your recovery and provide a great source of happiness and fun in your life.

Using Pet Therapy for Addiction: The Many Benefits of a Therapy Pet

Improve Mood

One reason why pet therapy for addiction is so helpful is that pets improve our moods. Most people feel calmer in the presence of their therapy pets or even household pets. Some studies have shown that having pets present during therapy sessions allows patients to open up more fully to their doctor. Pets are cute, cuddly, and so loving. Just being around them can boost your mood and make you feel less stressed about recovery.

Instill Responsibility

Another reason why pet therapy for addiction is beneficial is that pets create a sense of responsibility for their owners. Taking care of another living thing is hard work. You have to be present for them every day and keep track of their schedule along with your own. Some addicts find that taking care of their pets is a big reason as to why they want to get sober. It’s hard to be a good pet parent if you’ve fallen off the wagon. Therefore, owning a pet might give you a further needed push to get clean.

Boost Self-Confidence

Pet therapy for addiction also boosts self-confidence. Being a good pet owner is incredibly rewarding. Pets show gratitude for even the smallest gestures, so you’ll feel great every time you show your pet some love. This feeling of achievement and goal-reaching can boost your self-confidence. Being a responsible pet owner is a big job, and doing it well should boost your self-worth.

Be a Source of Comfort

Finally, one final and obvious reason why pet therapy for addiction works so well is that pets are a great source of comfort. Battling addiction comes with a lot of struggles. You’ll have hard times when you’ll want to throw in the towel. But a comforting pet might just help you get through the hard times. Pets are sympathetic animals, and can usually sense when their owners are unhappy. They’ll probably try and comfort you when you are feeling overwhelmed. Even the very act of petting an animal has stress-reducing effects on the human brain. A pet can be a great source of comfort for anybody struggling with addiction.

Pet therapy for addiction has been successful for many people in recovery. Pets can become a huge and loving part of your life that will give you the strength to get through the struggles of recovery. Pets improve your mood and can be a great source of comfort when you are feeling down. In addition, they instill a lot of responsibility in their owners. Being a great pet owner can be a huge boost in your self-confidence. All of these things can help make getting sober easier for you. In addition to helping with your recovery, you might just find that your pet is a loving and fun companion for many years.