Intoxicated Woman Strikes Pedestrian on Highway 321 Resulting in Death

South Carolina State Troopers have detained a woman who they allege hit and killed a man with herother car crashed 2 vehicle.  The 53-year-old woman is being charged with felony DUI involving death.  The 26-year-old victim was struck by the vehicle around 10:00 p.m. on Highway 321 near Columbia, South Carolina.

The Dodge Stratus collided with the young man as he was walking along the median along the highway.  He was taken to Palmetto Hospital where he died around 3 hours later from the injuries he sustained in the accident.  The woman is being detained in Richland County Correctional Facility with a charge of felony DUI.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DUI or Felony DUI, the State of South Carolina imposes some serious consequences.  Further, if the Felony DUI results in death, this could bring a sentence of up to 25 years if a person is convicted.  Therefore, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP if you have a question regarding a pending DUI charge in North or South Carolina. Call us toll-free at 877-374-4444.

Two Early Morning Columbia Car Accidents; One Results in DUI, The Other in a Death

A man was killed in a single-car accident on Saturday, March, 2; and, another early-morning car accident resulted in power outages and amy car
gas leak.  The first man who was killed died after a wreck on Farrow Road at about 4:00 a.m.  His vehicle flew from the road at an excessive speed, broke through a utility pole, and ran into a tree.  He died at the scene.

The second accident, which occurred on the other side of town, resulted in a 47-year-old man striking a power line cable and a gas line causing power outages in the area, according to the Columbia Police Department.  The roads were closed while the repairs were made, and the man was charged with driving under the influence of a controlled substance, driving on a suspended license, and operating an uninsured vehicle.

Generally drivers who occupy the roads in the very late evening, or early morning are either working the night shift, visiting someone in the hospital, or unfortunately oftentimes are driving under the influence.  It is generally good policy to stay away from the roads, if possible, in the extremely early morning hours.  If you happen to be intoxicated, there is an increased likelihood that you will be stopped by the police, and if you are not intoxicated, you may be more susceptible to become a victim of a drunken driving accident.

At Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP, we recommend that you never get behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated; also, we recommend to never get in a car where the driver has been drinking.  The likelihood of something terrible happening as a result is vastly increased, and you do not want to become part of the increased DUI, and DUI related accident statistics in South Carolina.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, or Felony DUI, we can help you.  Call our Baxter Village law office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at toll-free 877-374-5999.  However, in the meantime, be careful on the roads!

Woman Charged with DUI as she Races to Get Her Son to School

A 52-year-old woman has been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) after speeding through a school-zone.  In the statement she gave to the police, the woman asserted that she was attempting to get her son to school on time.  The woman was pulled over after clocked by an officer driving 40 m.p.h. in a 25 m.p.h. zone.

After the officer flicked on the blue-lights signaling the woman to pull over, she led them down several streets before finally putting her vehicle to a stop.  Police say she failed several sobriety tests, eventually refusing to take a breath-test.  She reported to the officers that she drank too much the night before and had no food in her stomach that morning.  Beer cans and mouthwash were found in the minivan.

The woman was charged with failure to stop for a blue light, child endangerment, and driving under the influence.  Therefore, the moral of the story is do not drive the morning after a long drinking night.  However, if you or a loved one do get charged with DUI or Felony DUI, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

New NC “Ban-the-box” Bill Receives Criticism By Outraged Opponents

The fiancé of a murder victim has expressed outrage at the possibility of the most recently proposed “felon bill” being accepted.  The man’s soon-to-be wife was murdered at a local restaurant, and he has stated that he is very upset about the proposal making its way up to the State Legislative Building in the State Capitol.

The man’s fiancé was stabbed over 20 times inside a restaurant by a colleague.  She was pregnant at the time of the murder, and the assailant pleaded guilty to both murders.  He will be serving two consecutive life sentences.

The bill is referred to as the “ban the box” bill, and the proposal would remove the question that inquires into the whether potential employees have been convicted of a felony from city and state applications. However, the state will still be able to conduct criminal background checks on applicants, and the bill does not address private businesses.  The bill will be voted on this week, April 18th.

If many states throughout the United States, bills such as this are emerging, and they could give rise to new litigation regarding how far such a proposal can stretch. The law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP are here to ensure that your rights

Robert J Reevesare protected.  For a consultation regarding any criminal matter, call us at our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000.

Moped Driver Charged with Eighth DUI Refuses Breath-Test

A Gastonia, North Carolina man has been charged with DUI while driving a moped, according to Gastonia Police.  The man allegedly ran a red light, while driving in the wrong lane.  When the man stepped off his moped to speak with the officer, it is reported that he had difficulty standing and the officer could detect a strong odor of alcohol.  The man would not submit to the breath-test; however, he was forced to give a blood sample by the police. 

The man is being charged with DWI which is his eighth DWI charge.  His charges occurred more than ten years ago, which is a plus for him; however, the prosecutor mFort Mill Attorneyay still attempt to use these charges against him.  Further, one who is suspected of driving while intoxicated cannot be forced to take a breathalyzer test.  The problem is that if the person refuses to give such a test, this will result in an automatic license suspension for 30 days, and the DMV may up to as much as one year.    

Therefore, if you or a loved one has been charged with a DWI in North Carolina under such circumstances, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP for a consultation.  Our 75 years of combined experience will allow us to lend you the best representation possible.  For a North Carolina DWI, call us at our Charlotte office at 704-499-9000. For South Carolina, call us at 803-548-4444, or toll free at 877-374-5999.

Police Officer Charged with DUI after Falling Asleep at a Red-light

Police Car CloseupColumbia, South Carolina Highway Patrol charged a Columbia Police officer with DUI after troopers say he was found asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle while parked at a traffic light.  This took place around 2:00 a.m. when officers came across the vehicle on Leesburg Road.  The driver was sound asleep.

The officers were called to the scene, and after some time were eventually able to wake the man up, and get him out of his car.  They found that he was an off-duty, Columbia police officer.  He was charged with DUI, and will be suspended without pay during the investigation.

There are certain crimes that do not affect people from all walks of life.  Not everybody will burglarize a house, or steal a car; however, we have found that people in every profession has been known to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated.  There is no problem with light drinking here and there, if you don’t suffer from substance abuse.  However, it is wrong to put other people in peril by getting behind the wheel of a vehicle after alcohol consumption.

One of the major duties of a police officer is to keep the roads safe from drunk drivers.  More accidents occur each year in the State of South Carolina, and one of the major factors contributing to such accidents is intoxicated drivers.  It is the job of the police officers within the state to keep these people off the roads.  But, when the officer makes the decision to drink without a plan for a ride home, they are exposed to a potential DUI charge.  Alcohol works to lower the inhibitions of the person consuming, and even if your job depends on sober driving, the more intoxicated you get, the more likely you are to get behind the wheel of your car.

At Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP, we understand that anyone can potentially get a DUI, and we are here to help you through the process.  If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI or Felony DUI, call us at our Baxter Village location in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or toll free at 877-374-5999.