Mar 27, 2019 | Personal Injury, Work Injuries
Accidents come out of nowhere. One minute you’re working, or having fun with friends, and the next— you’re in pain. When recovering from an injury, healing is your number one priority. Therefore, a post-accident pain journal can be a consideration for documenting your injury, recovery, and any details surrounding your injury that might benefit your claim in the future.
Post-Accident Pain Journal: You Should Use One
What is it?
A post-accident pain journal is an informal record of your pain levels after an accident. It can be on the notes app on your phone or in a small notebook. Anything that’s easy for you to access when you have an onset of pain. There are also mobile apps and printable templates for you to use to journal.
What should I journal?
Anything regarding your health after an accident should ideally be journaled. Doctors visits, prescriptions and medications, and other symptoms should be logged in your post-accident pain journal. Anytime you have an ache or a strain from an injury you got during the accident, put it in there!
Who’s going to read it?
Keep in mind, a lot of people may be reviewing this. Your insurance company, doctors, and lawyers may all ask to see it. Also, your post-accident pain journal might also appear in court if necessary. Keep a neat, but detailed, log of your pain.
Why is it important?
You might have had a severe accident that you swear you’ll never forget. Or, it might’ve been on the smaller side with “not many details”. Either way, you need a post-accident pain journal. All the small details, even the ones you think might not matter, need to be included. Plus, it’s always better to have too much information than not enough!
Anything else?
Additionally, you should include conversations you have with anyone involved in the accident. After the accident, make a note of the officers you had contact with and the other involved parties, if applicable. Keep this handy, along with any other conversations you have regarding the accident. This could be with potential law representation or insurance companies. Keeping track of names, dates, and times will also be helpful in your post-accident pain journal. While these might not be pain related, they are details that are relevant to your case.
Mar 19, 2019 | Accident prevention, Personal Injury
As of Wednesday, Spring is officially in session. The trees and flowers are starting to bloom, we’re preparing for April showers, and we’re finally able to put on a short sleeve shirt from time to time. While Spring is arguably one of the best seasons— it also comes with it’s own share of springtime injury risks. It’s important to be familiar with them, why they’re common, and ways you can prevent them. No one wants to be laid up in a bed with injury when they should be out enjoying this beautiful weather…
Springtime Injury Risks: Getting Familiar, and Avoiding
Runner’s Knee
You’re getting back out into that 70 degree weather, and maybe getting a little exercise while you’re at it. Now that the weather is improving, you might feel like you can run, bike, or do your high impact exercise for a longer period. While the weather absolutely makes it easier— it also increases your chance of contracting springtime injury risks, such as runner’s knee.
Plantar Fasciitis
Warm weather means warm weather shoes, such as sandals, flip flops, or even no shoes at all. While these shoes give our piggies time to shine, and take a break from humid tennis shoes— they don’t offer solid arch support. Therefore, they can cause an issue known as plantar fasciitis. This ailment can be quite painful, and is common amongst those who don’t have good arch support in their shoes. Springtime injury risks come in all forms and fashions, don’t let plantar fasciitis ruin your springtime walks in the park. Instead, just wear a dependable shoe.
Back Injuries
Springtime, for many, means Spring cleaning. You’re deep cleaning, moving things, clearing out, reorganizing… This is a great way to get your house in shape, and also feel renewed in a new season. However, it’s an easy way to end up with a springtime injury. When it comes to big jobs, such as moving furniture, or pulling heavy things off of high shelves— wait until you aren’t the only one home. Furthermore, ask for help. Don’t end up flat on your back, with an injury. Instead, save those big jobs for you and a friend to tackle together.
Mar 3, 2019 | Personal Injury, Work Injuries
Work burnout is something that can hit everyone at any job. Sometimes, the burnout can get so bad, it leaves employees wondering if they should look for another job. However, there are some methods for preventing burnout that can help make work enjoyable again…
Preventing Burnout: Get Re-Energized
Start the day right
It’s possible to start working on preventing burnout before your workday even begins. Many people will wake up and head straight to work in the mornings. However, it’s a good idea to give yourself some personal time before heading out.
It helps to take 10-15 minutes in the morning for yourself. You can use this time to relax and prepare yourself for the day ahead. You’ll be able to handle whatever it is work throws at you with the right mindset.
Manage your workload
Having an overwhelming workload can also cause feelings of burnout. That’s why a large part of preventing burnout means balancing out your workload. You should figure out what you needto do vs. what you canalso do at the workplace.
Teamwork is an important part of many jobs. However, there’s a difference between teamwork and someone shirking their responsibilities. If someone keeps asking for help and isn’t putting in the effort they should, let them know you have to focus on your own work first. After all, your own work quality shouldn’t suffer because of someone else.
Balance work and personal demands
For some, it’s difficult to find a balance between their work and social lives. Many times, their work will follow them home and so will the stress. That’s why it’s important to find that balance for preventing burnout.
If you can, try to leave your work at the workplace. Instead, spend that time off from work with friends and family. Or, you can pursue new or old hobbies, or just relax. Whatever it may be, taking that time for yourself is useful in avoiding burnout.
Preventing burnout is important for keeping an optimistic outlook on your work, and also keeping potentially careless incidents at bay. Taking steps to avoid those feelings, and injuries, you will improve your work quality, as well as enjoy your time away from the workplace.
Feb 21, 2019 | Personal Injury, Work Injuries
When you work from a desk, neck ad back pain seems pretty inevitable. You’re sitting in one spot, sometimes in an uncomfortable chair, and you’re looking down to stare into a computer. Each of these things, and the combination of them, put you at increased risk for neck and back pain. So, what can you do to reduce office-related back pain and neck pain? There are few no-brainers, as well as a few adjustments that might be a hassle— but will absolutely be worth saving yourself from these pains.
Office-Related Back Pain & Neck Pain: Avoid Unnecessary Pain
We mentioned that a few of these office-related back pain helpers would be no-brainers like this. However, good posture is at the height of the problem for many office workers. Most all of us are aware of what good posture looks like, and what it feels like. While good posture is something everyone should practice— that’s not to say it’s easy.
Good posture requires being mindful of your body. Furthermore, it requires that you right those wrongs when you notice that you’ve gotten lazy. As we’ve mentioned, having good posture isn’t as easy as wanting to do so. Many of us will notice ourselves slumped during the workday. Consider setting yourself hourly reminders, or even looking into ergonomic office chairs and lumbar support. Posture is one of the most important factors in reducing office-related back pain.
Work standing up from time to time
Many offices nowadays offer standing desks, or some sort of converted work space for those who prefer to work from a standing position. While you obviously won’t want to spend every hour of every day working from a standing position— consider spending an hour or two a day from this position. Office-related back pain, while posture has a lot to do with it, also has a little something to do with staying in one position all day, and also the compression of your vertebrae from sitting in one spot all day. Choose to stand from time to time to promote good posture and a happy spine.
Adjust the height of your computer and keyboard
Adjust the height of the thing you’re staring at all day— and put it at eye level. By making this small step, you’ll take a lot of stress off of your neck. You’ll want to put your screen at nose level, and your keyboard at an angle that allows foe your elbows to bend at 90 degrees. The key to avoiding office-related back pain, and neck pain, is to find ways to reduce stress on your neck and back. This can be done in a number of different ways, but these few have proven to be beneficial to us…
Feb 10, 2019 | Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation
When you’re out of work with an injury, money can be a top concern. While worker’s compensation benefits cover 2/3 of your regular pay— that extra 1/3 will be missed greatly. You have bills to pay, groceries to buy, and a lifestyle to maintain. Therefore, budgeting post-injury might look a little bit different than it does on a regular basis. For this reason, it can be difficult to make those adjustments, and sacrifices. So, we’re here to help. In fact, we might be able to help you make even more money than you planned on.
Budgeting Post-Injury … and Maybe Making a Little More
Prepare beforehand
Everyone should have a savings account just in case. No one expects to be injured on the job. But, if you have savings to fall back on just in case— that injury will be a lot less stressful to deal with. This sentiment can apply to any circumstance, or unexpected expense. So, don’t save just with injury in mind. Save because anything can happen, at any point in time. Budgeting post-injury starts with preparing for incidentals before an injury ever even occurs.
Sacrifice a few luxuries
Finding small ways to cut your expenses is the first step to making up for the 1/3 of your missed wages. Monthly subscriptions are a great place to start. Maybe you pay for Netflix, Hulu, makeup subscriptions, or another combination of those things. Consider cutting most, or even all, of those expenses until you’re back on your feet. While it’s no fun, budgeting post-injury means getting rid of a few simple luxuries.
Cut the excess
We mentioned that there might be a few ways to even make money while you’re down and out. One great way to do that, is to let go off a few items that serve you no purpose. We’re all guilty of keeping clothes, shoes, bags, or things of the sort that we never use. Consider using some of your extra time to post your clothes or items on sale sites, such as Letgo, Ebay, or Poshmark. By doing so, you can make a little extra money, clear out your closet, and make use of all that idle time. By letting go of those unnecessary items, you might just make budgeting post-injury a little less stressful.
Consider the art of couponing
You’re looking for ways to spend less money than usual— but maintain your lifestyle. So, consider the benefits of couponing. Budgeting post-injury might mean letting go of unnecessary luxuries. However, groceries are essential. But, they are also quite expensive. That’s where coupons come in. Take some time, do some research, and learn from those who do it best. By following certain techniques, you might find that you get certain things at a lowered cost, maybe even free. In fact, some people even find themselves making money.
In short, budgeting post-injury is challenging, but certainly not impossible. When you get creative about saving and making money, you might find that you’re better at it than you thought.
Feb 3, 2019 | Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation
There are plenty of different ways to face injury in the workplace. From a quick sprain, to broken legs, and even lost limbs. However, there are plenty of different injuries that occur in the workplace which you might not see right away. Overexertion injuries, for example, are one means of injury that can occur out of your typical work conditions. Maybe you were more tired that day, or handling a two person job on your own. Whatever the reason, you now have an injury that needs treating. But, what could you have done to prevent it?
Overexertion Injuries Prevention: Worker’s Compensation
Ask for help
Overexertion injuries occur for a number of reasons, but one of the most common— is biting off more than you can chew. It can be easy to get caught up in the swing of things and think you can handle something on your own. However, it’s in those instances that you might find yourself with a sprain, strain, or tear. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and admit when you can’t handle something on your own.
Use correct posture
If you have a physically taxing job, it can sometimes be easy to forget that posture is key to avoiding those overexertion injuries. Furthermore, even if you job isn’t physically taxing— you might find yourself with the occasional heavy lifting. Bend your knees, lift with your legs, and tighten your core. By doing so, you avoid unnecessary stress on your back, and in turn, injury.
Take a break every now and then
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to not take a break every now and then. We understand that you work hard, and time is of the essence. However, stopping for a sip of water won’t hurt. In fact, it will keep you hydrated and help prevent fatigue. Your muscles and joints are working hard— reward them with a break every hour or two.
Overexertion injuries come in many different forms. However, the pain is always the same. Therefore, it’s important that you claim them through worker’s compensation. In the event that your employer makes doing so difficult, or begins denying your benefits— reach out to an attorney today.