Jun 26, 2018 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury
Rear-view cameras are a staple in newer vehicles, and they come in handy most of the time. However, this technology, just like all other technology, has it’s failings. One failing in particular, is the blind trust that many drivers have in it. Many rear-view cameras will beep if there is an obstruction in your path for backing up, so many people don’t think to actually look behind them. Therefore, when that object doesn’t register for your back-up camera, you are at risk of hitting someone or something. One object at particular risk, is a motorcycle.
Motorcycles and Rear-View Cameras: Putting Bikers at Risk
Bikers are already more difficult to spot
Therefore, we must take added precaution when backing up. A back-up camera serves the purpose of aiding your backing up, not dictating it completely. So, it’s important that while your rear-view cameras play their role, you also take some responsibility in it. Keep in mind that disclaimer that pops up on the screen when you use the camera; something to the effect of ‘not liable for damages or injury’. Therefore, if you cause injury, your car company is not taking responsibility.
One other issue to take into account is the accuracy of those safety features on your vehicle. They beep, or alert you in some way of obstructions. But how do they measure them? What will alert you and what will not? Motorcycles are particularly small, and therefore they may not register as quickly, or even at all.
Take for example, a driver, who is in a rush, driving a sedan with a rear-view camera. The driver of the sedan may exclusively depend on the camera to back up. Because the camera only displays the area behind the driver, the driver must look left and right. If the driver fails to look both ways, the potential for an accident is at large. If a driver relies solely on this camera; other drivers, pedestrians, or riders may be at risk.
Bikers are also already at higher risk of injury
Aside from the heightened risk of being hit, they’re also at an increased risk of injury. So, while hitting anyone can be problematic, a biker will likely incur more injuries than the average driver. So, settlements will be higher, injury will be greater, and you will have more to deal with in fixing this issue. All in all, you should take from this that a back-up camera should be an accessory to help rather than carry all the weight. Still look to your sides, and behind you. You never know what might be hiding outside of the cameras line of sight.
Jun 20, 2018 | Car Accidents, General, Personal Injury
As we enter the summer months, people begin planning for vacation. While some head to the beach or mountains, you may plan to hit both by RV. Although nothing can be more fun than sight seeing across the country in your RV, it does present some obstacles when it comes to RV driving safety. With each new state comes new traffic laws and rules to abide by. But, there are some general rules you can use as a jumping off point. However, depending on where you’re driving, you should check local laws. Just because North Dakota says it’s okay, does not mean Montana is on board…
RV Driving Safety: Following Local and Federal Law
Know Your State
As you hit the road in your RV, be sure to become familiar with the traffic laws in different states. While you’re probably thinking, aren’t they all the same?–the answer is, not quite. For instance, some states allow you to make a right turn at a red light. However, other states do not permit this. So, before you head out, become familiar with basic traffic laws as you pass through different areas.
Trailer Lights
Before hitting the road, you certainly want to do a light check on your RV. Since you’re in such a large vehicle, other drivers will need a warning before you make any moves. Therefore, you want all brake lights and turning signals to be functioning correctly. Also, in the event of bad weather, you want to make sure other drivers can see you clearly. So even after making a quick stop, make sure to do a light check once again just for good measure.
RV Size
One of the lesser known RV rules is that sometimes you may need to carry certain items along with you. Depending on how large your RV is, there may be a requirement about what you need to bring with you. For instance, you may need to carry safety chains or trailer brakes. In order to know the specifics RV rules for your vehicle, check your owner’s manual, and ask the dealer upon purchase.
Seat Belt Safety
While RV’s allow the family to roam while you ride, you still need to remember to wear a seat belt. As a driver, you aren’t exempt from North Carolina’s seat belt law. Or any other state’s law that you may be traveling through. So, wear your seat belt as a number one priority for RV driving safety.
In short, it’s important that you know the RV rules for each state you travel in. While some violations may only make for minor traffic tickets, others can be more serious. No matter the penalty, you don’t want to face these troubles at home, much less out on the road. So before planning your summer trips, brush up on your knowledge of RV rules depending on the states you plan to travel through. You never know what might be that one piece of information you were missing…
Jun 18, 2018 | Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation
Staying safe when operating in confined work spaces can be difficult. Being that these spaces create a whole new set of hazards, they require a few different guidelines and protocol. For this reason specifically, OSHA felt it necessary to develop specific safety regulations for this setting alone. Through this rule, OSHA defines ‘confined spaces’ and by doing so, they can outline the responsibilities, and employer duties for this specific type of at-risk worker.
Confined Work Spaces: Defining and Outlining them
A confined work space, as now defined, is an area that presents special dangers to the workers in some way. These dangers can include things such as, poor ventilation, and areas that provide insufficient oxygen, or dangerous level of gases. Furthermore, if these areas present a danger of illness, injury, or entrapment, the worker must have a special permit to work within that space. Ultimately, to operate under these conditions, an employee must meet certain guidelines. Therefore, the employer must do the same.
Employer Responsibilities
Under this new rule, employers have a few steps to take before allowing a worker to operate:
Training the workers. By this rule, employers must make sure their workers receive the right training first. In this training, workers should learn what to do in the event of injury. Also, they will learn how to work safely, and protect themselves and fellow workers. In the event that something goes wrong, they should have an escape plan.
Plan how to rescue injured workers. Since most of these confined spaces will not have more than one exit, an escape plan is necessary. In fact, employers should have a plan of rescue before workers go in these areas. This plan should include a way to retrieve workers quickly and safely.
Working safely
Many types of workers operate in these areas everyday. For this reason, it is best to be proactive and use caution. By following closely what OSHA set out, there is a better chance of avoiding trouble. Resulting injuries, when they occur, have severe side effects. Those effects, can impact your quality of life. Therefore, when these types of injuries occur, it’s important that you speak to someone. You might not want to hire a lawyer, but there might arise a time when that’s your only option.
Jun 13, 2018 | Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation
If you have been hurt on the job, and the doctor says you could potentially face life-long impairment, you might hope to seek a second opinion. After all, you only get one body and one chance at life. So, why not make sure it’s in the best condition possible? However, the difficult bit about seeking a second opinion in a worker’s injury, is that worker’s comp claims and processes are quite strict in what they cover, and who you see…
Seeking Second Opinion in Worker’s Injury: Am I Allowed?
With normal cases of sickness or injury, you are able to visit your personal doctor. After receiving their diagnoses, you have the option to seek out a second opinion if you wish, especially if the first doctor is suggesting something major. However, when it comes to a worker’s injury, getting that second opinion can be difficult due to the worker’s comp process.
May I seek out a new perspective?
While there are plenty of reasons you may want a second opinion in your worker’s comp case, the question is can you get one? For the most part, you may be able to request another doctor in order to get another opinion. However, while you may request a second opinion from the worker’s comp insurance, there is no guarantee they will approve it. In addition, it will most likely still be within the same network of your employer’s choosing. Therefore, the doctor will likely garner the same opinion. In short, a second opinion may be available, and you can request it but there is no guarantee.
Why seeking a second opinion might be the way to go
In most cases, employers will require that you see a doctor of their choosing. Since they are covering the medical bill through worker’s comp, they hold the right to choose your doctor. However, this means that you will be using a doctor you are unfamiliar with. This can be counterproductive for a number of reasons… For one, you may not feel fully comfortable divulging all information. Therefore, your treatment options and their perception might be different than what you need. For example, you may hesitate to fully describe the events of your accident or the pain you are in. Furthermore, you may feel you cannot fully trust his method of treatment. In some cases, you may feel the doctor is bias since your employer is the one who employed him.
If you choose to seek out a second opinion…
You will likely have to do so on your own, and out of your own pocket, if you wish to see the doctor of your choosing. But, it might be worth doing so for your own safety and healing process. The treatment plan your personal doctor can be supplemental to the worker’s comp assistance, or you can choose to take that route entirely. Ultimately, your healing process is up to you. However, if you choose to see your own doctor, the costs might be a bit higher for you… However, an attorney can typically request a hearing to order that second opinion. Ultimately, the hope of any worker’s comp claim is to reduce disability as much as possible.
Jun 4, 2018 | Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation
If you are currently dealing with a form of spinal cord injuries, you know that they can be quite painful. Maybe you haven’t made it to the doctor yet. Whether you don’t have insurance, or you feel you can treat this injury on your own— the pain can be extremely difficult to bear. We highly advise that you see a doctor, especially if this injury occurred in the workplace. However, if you’re trying to diagnose the injury first, it’s important to understand that there are different types of these injuries. Types of spinal cord injuries can vary depending on what area of the spine becomes damaged.
Depending on which segment, you may experience different symptoms. In general, most of these injuries can split into two categories. First of which is incomplete spinal cord injuries. With these types of injuries, the cord severs only partly. However, in the case of complete spinal cord injuries, the cord becomes fully severed.
Spinal Cord Injuries: Which Part of Your Spine is Suffering?
Upper Vertebrae
Cervical spinal injuries. These exist in the upper part of the body. In general, this segment of the spinal cord make up seven vertebrae: C1-C7. Being that they make up the portion of the neck and work closely with the brain, these injuries can be the most serious. For the most part, any injury within this area can result in limited or absence of feeling from the shoulders on down the body.
Thoracic. Working the way down the spine, the thoracic region consists of the upper to middle part of the back. In this area, 12 vertebrae make up the region, numbered T1-T12. Throughout T1 and T5, the nerves and muscles help regulate breathing. While the lower T6-T12 help control posture and coughing.
Lower Vertebrae
Lumbar spinal injuries. Within the lumbar section, you can find the largest vertebrae in your body. This is due to the fact that this portion supports the most weight. For this reason, injuries to this area normally cause a loss of function in the hips and legs. However, the upper parts of the body usually still maintain their normal use.
Sacral. This part of the spine exists at the very bottom and just above the tailbone. These vertebrae, numbered S1-S4, fuse five bones to make up its triangular shape. For the most part, injuries in this area only occurs during a serious fall. While these injuries may not leave you unable to walk, it can affect the nerves that control pelvic organs.
Diagnosing the right spinal cord injury is extremely important
Your spinal cord is pretty much your lifeline. It holds you up, transports information, supports your brain, and has much to do with nerve function. So, if you face an injury in this region— it’s important to have it treated properly. A spinal cord injury doesn’t have to hinder your function indefinitely, but it does have the potential. So speak with a doctor, come up with a plan of action, and follow it closely. We wish you luck in the journey to recovery, and offer our services if you might need them.
Apr 13, 2018 | Personal Injury
In the summer, one of my personal favorite pastimes is to grill out with friends. Doing so is a great way to get out, enjoy the weather, entertain friends, and cook some pretty delicious food while you’re at it. It seems like every Saturday, the smell of charcoal seeps into my mind and it’s time to invite friends over once more to make the most of the weekend. I’m sure you like do the same. But, the most important thing to remember about these Saturday escapades, is to engage in grill safety. That’s right, sun burns aren’t the only type of burn that becomes more likely during the warmer months. So, we’re providing you with a list of Do’s and Don’ts for your grill safety needs. That way, you can enjoy your Saturday, and avoid ending up at the doctors office with a nasty burn…
Grill Safety: Avoiding Burns at your Cookout
It’s important that, before you begin grilling, you clean your grill up a bit! Use that metal brush to scrub up those grates a bit, and wipe out the bottom. One of the main causes for a grill fire is old grease that ignites when you light up the grill. So, giving it a quick clean is highly advisable.
Keep your grill at a safe distance from your house! Ten feet at least is you safest bet. Watch for low branches, railings, piles of leaves, and your house. You want your grill to be in open air, as well as far away from the kids. Do your best to create a safe zone that the kids stay away from. Whether you mark that off, or just grill in a designated area— make it clear that flammables, kids, and drunk adults stay far away from theft grill.
Lastly, use long-handled tools for grilling! Look for tools that allow you a safe distance from the grill itself. Dripping grease can cause quite a flame. Not to mention, there might be an occasion where you open the grill and see flames. Being able to stand a bit further back, and also man the grill with a long set of tongs can be the difference between a nasty burn, or not.
The most important piece of grill safety you should mind is this: do not leave the propane valve open when you’re not cooking; doing so can lead to some pretty serious consequences. Especially if you open that lid with a flame in hand to start it up. The air around that grill is likely filling with flammable gas. And depending on how much open air is around the grill, a more closed off area can face some pretty serious consequences.
Which leads us to our next point, don’t grill in an enclosed space. Heat, smoke, gas, and particles from the grill can get trapped and cause a fire, or damage to whatever structure is close by.
Grill safety can be quite easy to follow as long as you know what you’re dealing with. Make smart choices! Make everyone aware of the hot grill, and set up a designated space that’s a no-go for all but the grill master. Being sure to do so, will keep everyone happy and safe for those upcoming burgers and dogs.