While the summer months definitely bring the heat, they also bring allergens. Many people see their allergies flare up during these months, and they can carry over into the workplace. Workplace allergies can seriously get in the way of your work, just like any work injury. However, there are ways for you to manage and overcome them…

Workplace Allergies: Ways To Manage

Recognize your allergies

In order to manage your workplace allergies, you first need to be aware of what your allergens are. Most people tend to get allergy tests as kids to see what they may or may not be allergic too. However, over time, new allergies could develop, or you could grow out of old ones. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to get checked again as you get older.

It’s also important to know how severe your allergies are. For example, some allergies might just be annoying, like pollen allergies. However, others may be life-threatening, like food-based allergies. Knowing how severe your allergies are can help you take the appropriate steps to keep yourself safe.

Your allergies & your work

Once you recognize what your workplace allergies are, then it’s time to see how they may show up in your work. This depends on both the kind of work you do, and what your allergies are. For instance, a pollen allergy might impact you more if you work outside instead of inside.

However, some allergies might get in the way no matter where you work. The most apparent kind might be food-based ones. You could run into co-workers who have food you’re allergic to. Or, your work might offer foods that you don’t know the ingredients for, putting you at risk.

Managing your allergies

As it turns out, managing your workplace allergies doesn’t have to be all that complicated. The first thing you’ll want to do it take steps to limit your exposure. Of course, this goes beyond you just staying away from your allergens. It helps to let your co-workers and boss know about them too. That way, they can help make the workplace safer and more comfortable for you.

Still, some allergens might be out of their control. In these cases, it helps to take some extra precautions. You may want to wear some extra protective equipment when working, especially if you’ll constantly be around an allergen. Plus, you can see if allergy medicines can help minimize the symptoms.