Burlington Man Charged After Police Found Him With Clonazepams

A 28-year-old Alamance County man has been charged in Superior Court to habitual driving while impaired after he was found to be under Blog-Drug Chargesthe influence of the prescription anxiety medication, Clonazepam.  The man also pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance on jail premises when Clonazepam was found on him as he was being processed at the Alamance Detention Center.

These charges took place last year.  The man has two previous DWI convictions; one in 2004 and the other in 2011.  Police entered into a plea deal with the offender when he agreed to plead guilty to the DWI and possession of a controlled substance charge in exchange for the dismissal of a possession of a stolen motor vehicle charge and a possession of stolen goods charge.

Thereafter, the man was issued a 25 to 39 month active sentence on the DWI and a consecutive 15 to 27 month sentence on the drug possession charge with 122 days time served.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a DWI, or any other crime, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000.  If you have been charged in South Carolina, you can contact our Baxter Village office in Fort Mill at 803-548-4444.  The consultation will be completely confidential.  Also, please feel free to visit our website here.

Mother and Daughter Killed in DWI Related Accident

A mother and her daughter were killed after a car-accident that took place on Independence Boulevard in Matthews Township near the Blog-Handcuff and JeansMatthews Festival Shopping Center.  The wreck occurred when a man’s Chevy Trailblazer collided with the Honda CRV driven by the victims.  The 62-year-old mother, and the 37-year-old daughter were both killed in the crash.  The daughter’s children were also injured in the wreck, but they are expected to survive.

A 28-year-old man is being charged with DWI and reckless driving in connection with the crash.  He is still in the hospital, and is likely to receive additional charges as the investigation progresses.

If you have been charged in connection with a DWI or DWI related incident, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Charlotte, North Carolina office.  For a confidential consultation, contact us at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

Woman Charged After Striking Bridge During Drunken Collision

Police in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina have arrested a woman for driving under the influence after she allegedly lost control of her vehicle onCar Accident Attorney the Shem Creek Bridge, smashing concrete and metal railing into the creek.  This occurred around 2:00 a.m., and officer report that they arrived to discover the woman’s SUV on the sidewalk, facing the southbound lane.  The vehicle was also reported to be dangerously wavering off the bridge.

The report states that the SUV had collided with a palm tree in the median before veering back into the railing of the bridge.  Thereafter, the concrete and metal railing splashed into the river.  The 20-year-old driver suffered no injuries, and she reported to police that she had only consumed one alcoholic beverage.  She refused to take field sobriety and breathalyzer tests, according to the police.

She is being charged with driving under the influence, and was taken to the Charleston County Detention Center, where she was issued a $997 surety bond.  Further, according to Mt. Pleasant police, she was previously arrested in late March and charged with public drunkenness, and having a fake driver’s license.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a collision and DWI charges were issued, it is extremely important for you to call an attorney.  For a confidential consultation, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-4444.

Hyde County Man Charged with DWI While Driving a School Board Vehicle

A high school principal employed in Hyde County, North Carolina was arrested for DWI a few weeks ago after police were called to an Car Accident Attorneyaccident where his vehicle crashed into a utility pole.  This accident occurred at 12:45 p.m., and it is believed that the man drove into a curve in the road, over-corrected, and smashed into a utility pole.  Further, the vehicle belongs to the school system with whom he is employed.

When police arrived at the scene, it was reported that his blood alcohol concentration was over a .10.  Thereafter, the principal was placed on leave by the school board while school officials investigate the events surrounding the situation.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DWI or a DWI related charge, contact our Charlotte, North Carolina office for a confidential consultation.  You can reach us at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.  Also, if you have been charged with DUI in South Carolina, call our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444.

Man Sentenced to Eight Years After Crash that Resulted in Girlfriend’s Death

A York County, South Carolina man, who was charged with drinking alcohol and using marijuana before driving his girlfriend’s car, caused Car Accident Attorneyan accident that resulted in her death.  He was recently sentenced to spend eight years in state prison.  The man was charged with felony driving under the influence resulting in death, two counts of driving under the influence resulting in great bodily injury, and driving under the influence.   He faced a maximum of 55 years in prison, of which he only received eight during sentencing.

The incident occurred last year, after friends were helping the 18-year-old female victim move in with the offender in question.  The group allegedly drank alcohol and smoked marijuana.  Thereafter, they all decided to go to an area of Blacksburg that was rumored to be “haunted.”  However, on their way back to York County, the man, who was found to be driving well over the posted speed limit, sped around a curve, and swerved into the left side of the road.  Then, according to the York County Solicitor, the man over-corrected, slammed into five trees, and two of the kids were thrown from the car.  At this point, the car was standing up-right.

All four people in the vehicle were taken to the hospital, where the critically injured girlfriend died shortly thereafter.  Police charged the man when he was discharged from the hospital.  The man’s sentence requires him to attend substance abuse and vocational counseling and to pay the families restitution of the injured.   The parents of the woman asked the judge to give the man alcohol and drug counseling.  Also, his license had been suspended two weeks before the crash, which adds a driving while license is revoked charge.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DWI, or any other criminal offense related to DWI, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP for a private consultation.  You can reach our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000, or our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444.





Man Charged with DWI and Felony Death by Motor Vehicle After Montford Collision

A cab driver in Charlotte, North Carolina died after a man, who struck the cab, and attempted to flee the scene of his 2008 BMW.  The crash Personal Injury Attorneyoccurred on East Woodlawn and Montford Drive at 2:00 a.m. on Friday, when the driver broadsided the cab.  The driver is being charged with felony death by motor vehicle, felony hit-and-run, DWI and driving with a revoked license.

The man attempted to run from the scene; however he was apprehended not far away.  He and the other passenger in his vehicle were not seriously hurt.  The cab driver was not wearing his seat-belt and died on the way to the hospital after he was ejected from his cab.  Witnesses report that the sidewalk of the crash scene was littered with car parts spread all the way from the road to the woods. The driver was arrested on April 3rd in Huntersville, and police say his license was suspended and he should not have been driving.  The man is expected to be in court next week.

Call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP for a consultation if you have been charged with a DWI, or an alcohol related charge in North Carolina.  You can reach our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.