Dec 20, 2013 | Car Accidents, Criminal Defense, License Revocation, Uncategorized
Under South Carolina state law, in order for a driver to obtain a license, either for his first time or for a renewal, he must first certify to the South Carolina Department of Transportation that he has also obtained an automobile liability insurance policy.
You can do so by filling out Form 4477-NC or Form 447-CDL, depending on which type of license you are attempting to obtain. Pleas
e see the SCDOT website to download these forms.
If you don’t own your own vehicle, but still use one for work purposes, you still need to obtain automobile insurance for yourself “personally” to drive others vehicles. This is obviously referred to as “personal automobile liability insurance.” This too can be found on the SCDOT website along with the aforementioned forms.
At any time, an owner may be required to provide proof that the vehicle that they are using is insured. Think about it. The very first time you register your vehicle in SC, or if you renew your registration, you must provide the name of your insurance company to the South Carolina DMV. Thereafter, the SCDMV will verify that you actually do have coverage. If they can not verify that you have insurance, than you may either have your license suspended, revoked, or not receive one at all if it is your first attempt for obtaining a driver’s license.
There are other situations you mind find yourself in where you may be required to show proof of insurance; specifically, when you are stopped by an officer of the law. We have all heard cops ask for ” license and registration please,” upon getting pulled over. If you do not have your registration on you, you may be cited, fined, or even imprisoned.
In the event you are pulled over by an SC officer, and you do not have your registration card on you, then you have 30 days to provide proof of insurance to avoid any further suspension.
Moreover, if you are a new resident in SC, make sure to have your address and license changed with the appropriate authorities within 90 days of residency in the state. If you do not follow this protocol and get pulled over with a South Carolina permanent residency on your insurance card, yet your license is from another state, this could result in a fine and citation as well.
If you have had an incident with being pulled over, and received a hefty fine or citation for not having your driver’s license or proof of insurance on you, then contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information.
Nov 7, 2013 | Criminal Defense, General, License Revocation, Uncategorized
According to both South Carolina law and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) have agreed that after a dozen (12) points on your license, it shall be suspended. The length of time for each person will be different, according to your previous record, and amount of points previously accrued.
South Carolina states the following for suspension times: “12 -15 points: three months suspension; “16 -17 points: four months suspension; “18 – 19 points: five months suspension, and lastly, “20 or more points: your license will be suspended for six months.”
After you have reached half of the allotted points on your license, which is 6, you will most likely receive a letter from the DMV, “advising you to drive more carefully.” In other words, the SCDMV is warning you that if you continue on the path you are with traffic violations, then your consequences may be grave and your driving privileges could be suspended.
However, after you have obtained 12 points on your license, you are ordered to immediately surrender your license over the DMV. If you do not do so, you will have to pay a large fine or maybe even go to jail.
This is the same response if one refuses to blow into a breathalyzer when they get a DUI. According to the implied consent laws of South Carolina, having a license is a privilege and not a right. Therefore, once you get a license, you have consented to surrendering your license in the event that you refuse to blow into a breathalyzer when pulled over for suspicion of a DUI. If it turns up you are over the legal limit, you will also lose your license.
If you are convicted of a DUI for the implied consent laws of South Carolina, or for having too many points on your driver’s license, then you should contact an attorney to help you with the complex system. Contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information on your options.
Apr 11, 2013 | DUI & DWI, License Revocation, Uncategorized
A Gastonia motorcyclist is being accused of weaving through traffic on Interstate 77 throughout the morning traffic rush. Troopers chased the motorcyclist, as the helicopter followed over the man. The driver was eventually stopped from dodging traffic, and placed in cuffs by Mooresville Police officers.
The questioning began with the 27-year-old man playing coy. He stated that he didn’t understand why he was being pulled over. However, it was later discovered that the chopper had been behind him the entire time. The man then stated that he was driving with a revoked license, and he now faces several charges including eluding arrest.
The Highway Patrol allegedly seized the man’s bike, and it appears as though it is not likely he is going to get it back. Further, the man was allegedly
heading to work when the chase was over. Officers report that this is new for them.
This particular situation is very strange. First, the man stated that he was not aware that he was in a high speed chase, and second, he attempted to show up to work and act as though nothing happened.
Everyone makes mistakes. In this particular situation, the man should have simply pulled his bike over, and accepted the minimal charge he was given. It is a lot easier to deal with a charge that is simply a driving while license is revoked than to deal with an eluding arrest charge on top of that. However, bad decisions happen, and at the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP we can help you with you DUI, Felony DUI, or traffic violation, and help you to the best of our abilities.
For a consultation, call our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000, and we will be pleased to assist you in any way possible.