Feb 9, 2025 | Motorcycle
If you ride motorcycles, you know that group motorcycle riding can quickly become one of your favorite pastimes. It’s just you, like-minded people, and the open road— what could be better than that? Group motorcycle riding is a fun to do, but not all car drivers see it that way. In fact, many Americans that own passenger cars think of riders as reckless people on the road. On the other hand, riders are responsible people who just want their share of the road. Because of the bad stereotype against motorcyclists, car drivers often do not fully share the road with them. At any rate, when motorcyclists ride in groups they are at risk because cars can drive aggressively around the group.
Group Motorcycle Riding: Kicking the Stereotype
Seeing a group of motorcyclists should not become a headache for any other vehicles on the road. However, many cars remain intimidated when a large group of riders take to the road. In turn, they might slow down, speed up, block you out, or begin to drive aggressively. When riding in groups, riders generally stay in a formation, and only pass other vehicles individually. Sadly, car drivers may try to break the group up by not letting another rider over. If a car begins to drive aggressively, it can be a potential threat for riders.
Adjusting to potentially aggressive drivers
Although we cannot control what car drivers do, we can control how we react to aggressive driving. No doubt, group motorcycle riding is safer than riding alone. However, with aggressive drivers, it is best to break formation if a car drives dangerously. Although it may disrupt the enjoyment of the ride, safety is always a priority. It only takes one car driving with aggression to cause a wreck that ends with serious injuries. In other words, it is important that safety is still a priority while also enjoying the group ride.
Accounting for the driving habits of others is difficult, and cannot always be accurate. However, these small adjustments might just be the thing that saves you, or your riding buddies, from a potentially severe accident. So, drive safe, have fun, and keep an eye out. You never know what might lie on the road ahead when group motorcycle riding.
Jan 12, 2025 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Accidents
Braking with a motorcycle can be a difficult thing to do. The process is much different than braking in a car. In a car all we have to do is press the brake, and all four tires respond in harmony with one another. But on most motorcycles, the front and rear brake use separate controls. Each control operates a wheel. And a wheel can easily lock up during a hard brake. Being that a motorcyclist never knows when they will have to use the brakes abruptly, this can be a safety problem. A wheel that locks up instead of braking can cause a serious accident. In some cases the impact of a locked wheel will throw the rider from the bike. Therefore, an anti-lock braking system for your motorcycle is a good safety option.
Anti-Lock Braking System Pro’s
1. How They Work
In short, an anti-lock braking system works by measuring wheel speed. Typically, a wheel speed sensor send signals to the anti-lock system. From those signals, the system can judge whether the wheel is about to stop.
In that case, the system uses that information to rapidly adjust the pressure from the brake cylinder on the brake caliper. This reduces pressure if a lock up is about to happen, and increases the pressure again once the bike has gained traction once again.
2. Benefits of Anti-lock Braking
There are many safety benefits to having an anti-lock braking system on a motorcycle. Studies show that the rate of deadly crashes is thirty-one percent lower on a bikewith an anti-lock system. When tested on a track, riders stopped quicker with the anti-lock system. In addition, the required braking distance also improved to a shorter distance.
As far as feeling the brake system goes, the anti-lock braking system does not affect normal braking. It is only issued in a time of emergency. Furthermore, the system comes as light as one and a half pounds. So, as you can see, an anti-lock braking system can go a long way in giving you added protection behind the wheel of a motorcycle. We encourage you to explore your options, and ride safely.
Dec 1, 2024 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Maintenance
When you have a recreational vehicle of any sort, you are probably going to need a tool or two from time to time. Owning some of common motorcycle repair tools that are get regular use will help for future projects or adjustments. After all, you don’t want to have to take your motorcycle into the shop for every little thing, do you?
Motorcycle Repair Tools: Commonly Used Equipment
Torque Wrench
A torque wrench comes in handy all of the time, making it a must-have for your tool box. This wrench works on everything (not just motorcycles) and helps keep you from stripping or breaking your bolts. A torque wrench is also one of the motorcycle repair tools that will keep you from over-tightening your bolts.
Breaker Bar
Almost opposite of a wrench, you’ll need this to loosen bolts. This tool should be used with great caution, as it can sometimes lead to rounding off fasteners. The breaker bar can be one of your best motorcycle repair tools, or it can be your worse enemy. The key to being successful with this tool is to learn how to use it properly first.
Magnetic Stick
A magnetic stick is a moveable, sometimes extendable, magnet. That’s all. This tool helps in garages, in homes, in cars, and anywhere you might lose small items. This is another of the motorcycle repair tools that you can use for things other than bike repair.
Having a full set of screwdrivers can really be a lifesaver. Since screws come in all sizes, screw drivers are not one-size-fits-all. This set of motorcycle repair tools will save a headache when you keep missing the screw because your driver is too big!
Other Items
Other items that are handy to have are things like extra oil pans, drop cloths and rags, and disposable gloves. Gloves will really come in handy (pun intended) when doing work on chains and other parts of the bike that have thick lubricant. The plus side is, most repair tools also serve other purposes.
To finish this off, we will just say: yes, you need to add these tools to your collection. Having your own motorcycle repair tools will save you a ton of money when it comes to doing simple work!
Nov 26, 2024 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Accidents
It’s important to protect your body while riding your motorcycle. Your bike leaves your head, limbs and skin exposed. That means losing control of your motorcycle can result in your skin ripping across the pavement. While road rash isn’t the most dangerous of motorcycle injuries, it’s still important to know how to treat it.
Road Rash Treatment: Avoiding Infection
Wash Your Hands to Wash the Road Rash Wounds
When tending to road rash, it’s important to wash your hands. If you’ll be touching the wound, you want to be careful not to transfer germs. Even when you can’t see them, your hands carry plenty of germs and bacteria. So, it’s important to wash them to prevent transferring the bacteria to your wound and causing infection.
Remove Debris
After washing your hands, work to remove the debris from the wound. In most cases of road rash, there may be pebbles and dirt left in your scratches. Removing this can be a delicate process–especially if your wounds are still sore. Therefore, you may want to use a tool like tweezers to be precise. However, you need to make sure to clean any tools before using them. Just like your hands, tweezers and other instruments can carry germs to your wound.
Change the Bandage
When treating road rash, it’s important to keep things as clean as possible to prevent getting an infection. One way to do this is by washing your hands and cleaning the wound. But another way to do that is to make sure to keep the bandage clean.
For the most part, it’s okay to change your covering twice a day–morning and night. However, if your bandage becomes wet or especially dirty, it may be a good idea to change it quickly. By keeping your covering clean, you are taking another step to prevent any infection.
In short, treating road rash is important because the wound can become infected. If that happens, a few deep cuts and scratches can become a serious injury that needs medical treatment. So, be sure to treat your wounds quickly, cleanly, and with care.
Oct 6, 2024 | Accident prevention, Motorcycle
Motorcycles are fun and enjoyable. They can double in fun and enjoyment with a passenger in tow. However, adding motorcycle passengers can be dangerous if the passenger does not properly handle the ride. Are you joining someone on a ride for the first time? Here are some tips to make a smooth ride for you and the rider.
Motorcycle Passengers: Useful Tips
Getting On and Off
For starters, motorcycle passengers are just that: passengers. Make sure the rider is on the bike first and ready for you to join. The rider should be stable with both feet on the ground. Use the footpegs to help. When getting off, make sure the rider knows your plans to do so! The change in weight can cause a rider to drop their bike.
Use them! Using the footpegs will keep your weight distributed between the pegs and the seat. This will make for a smoother, more stable ride. Also, remember you should never put your feet on the ground during a ride.
Motorcycle passengers should use the footpegs during the duration of the ride to maintain their safety. Additionally, there are hot exhaust pipes near the passenger seats of motorcycles. Using the footpegs will help you avoid touching those.
Proper Outfit
Safety-wise, wearing clothing that will cover and protect your skin is the best bet. Prepare yourself with proper safety equipment, such as a helmet, before going on a ride. But motorcycle passengers also have to watch out for their shoes. Untied shoelaces (and other loose pieces of clothing) can get caught on the chain or belt of the back of the bike. Ensure that nothing is hanging so nothing gets caught!
Lean With It
Some advice for handling motorcycles is “lean into the turn”. Motorcycle passengers shouldn’t lean too much, however. Leaning too much or unexpectedly can make it difficult for the rider to control the bike. Some advice for this is: look over the rider’s shoulder in the direction you are turning.
Lastly, and most importantly, operating a motorcycle is fun, as is being a passenger. Remember those motorcycle passengers have a responsibility to themselves and the rider to help create a safe riding environment. Have a fun and safe ride!
Sep 8, 2024 | Accident prevention, Motorcycle
For most people, an ideal motorcycle ride is when the sun is out and the weather is nice. However, as a motorcycle rider, there might be some times when you’ll have to ride in less-favorable conditions, like the rain. Rainy riding can be challenging, but also very doable…
Rainy Riding: Maintaining Safe Travels
Prepare your gear
Rainy riding means you’ll be facing a constant downpour, and at high speeds. That means that your usual riding gear might not be a good choice for keeping you dry and safe. Instead, you’ll want to get some specialty rain gear to help you handle these special rides.
You’ll want to get some gear that keeps you dry and your grip secure when rainy riding, while also being comfortable. Try to find a good balance between comfort and practicality. Give special attention to your visibility as well. Helmet visors tend to fog up in the rain, so investing in a special clear, anti-fog visor is a good idea.
Ride smoothly & smartly
When you ride in poor conditions, you’ll have to change how you handle your bike to stay safe. Riding faster or more aggressively in the rain will increase the risk of you getting into an accident. That’s why rainy riding involves going more smooth and making smart decisions.
For example, try to handle your throttle more gently than usual, making gradual changes rather than more drastic ones. Also, try to brake more gradually and give yourself plenty of breaking room. Slamming on the brakes while on a wet surface could result in them locking up, and then sending you and your bike into a slide. It’s better to give increased following distance to avoid these issues when rainy riding.
Watch intersections more closely
Intersections can already be quite risky for motorcycle riders. Rainy riding further increases the danger of these intersections. That’s why you should give all types of intersections special attention when the weather is less-than-ideal.
Approach these intersections slowly and cautiously. Keep an eye on other drivers around you, and don’t try to do anything risky like making a yellow light. When you’re stopped, take stock of the cars around you and who might be behind or beside you. It’s important to be aware of what’s going on around you so you can act accordingly.