Sep 28, 2019 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Maintenance
Riding anxiety can affect several different kinds of riders. Maybe you’re a new rider anxious to get on the road for the first time. Or, maybe you’re coming back to riding after an accident. Whatever the case might be, this anxiety can leave you second-guessing about going out. That’s why it’s important to know how you can tackle these riding jitters…
Riding Anxiety: Beat those Biking Jitters
Figure out why you’re anxious
The first step in handling riding anxiety is figuring out where it comes from. There are many reasons why this kind of anxiety can pop up. For example, it could come from the crash statistics for motorcycles. Motorcycles can be a bit more dangerous than traditional cars, which can give some pause before they ride.
However, it could also come from a lack of experience. If you haven’t had much or any motorcycle experience, you could be quite anxious over making mistakes. Not only do you not want to look out of your element, but you also don’t want to make any mistakes which could be dangerous.
Think…but don’t overthink
Once you’ve determined where your riding anxiety is coming from, it’s time to think about ways to handle it. For starters, if you’re worried about accidents, then take some steps to make yourself safer. Invest in some good gear, like helmets and jackets, and study why most accidents occur in the first place.
If you’re worried about making mistakes, then it’s a good idea to brush up on some motorcycle riding 101. There’s plenty of online resources you can find that’ll help you figure out what you should and shouldn’t be doing. You can also look for riding classes, which can give you a safer hands-on learning experience.
Experience is key
Of course, the only real way to overcome that riding anxiety is to get out there and ride. If you don’t, that anxiety will keep you from ever giving your bike a good shot. As with most things, the more experience you get riding, the more confident you’re going to feel as you ride.
Still, you don’t have to go crazy when starting out. You can begin with just some simple rides around your neighborhood or town. Once you begin to feel confident there, you can take your riding to the highways and beyond.
Sep 14, 2019 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Maintenance
One of the best feelings about riding a motorcycle is the ability to feel close to the road. It’s important to remember that motorcycle tires are (almost) the only thing between you and the road. While this can be a freeing realization, it’s also a reminder to check your tires. As is all motorcycle maintenance, proper tire tread can be important to ensuring a safe ride.
Motorcycle Tires: Maintaining Safety
The Treads
If you’ve ever seen a brand new tire next to an old tire, the difference is noticeable immediately. The grooves on your tire should be definite and distinct. The depth of the tread is a good way to tell how much life a tire has left. Some motorcycle tires have tread wear indicators. Once you see these, you know it’s time to get new tires.
The air pressure in your tires is important. A tire with good tread can be unsafe if it is over inflated. Similarly, if a tire is under-inflated, it can be even more dangerous. Check your motorcycle tires regularly with an accurate pressure gauge. Some recommend once a week and definitely before any long trips.
What to Avoid
When it comes to motorcycle tires, it’s best to avoid mixing and matching brands. If you have two different kinds on your bike, you could become unstable and uneven. However, rear tires will wear out more quickly than the front, so you can mix and match new and old tires. You will likely go through two rear tires for every front tire.
In addition to avoiding mix and match brands, you should also avoid old motorcycle tires. A set that has never been mounted but are more than five years old are unfortunately no good. Over time, the chemicals in the rubber wear down. After this point, the “sticky” tire becomes hard and brittle.
To conclude, be safe and diligent about your tires. If your tread is getting low and the roads are wet, it’s best to not ride. Keep an eye on your PSI regularly. Check your brands and make sure the front and back matches. While these are all basic things, they can be crucial in a safe ride.
Jun 5, 2019 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Maintenance
It’s easy to talk about the fun aspects of motorcycles. It’s just as easy to talk about the dangerous ones. But no one ever really talks about the weird ones. For example, any world record held by people involving motorcycles. If you’ve ever wondered about some of the strangest motorcycle world records, we’ve compiled a list of the weirdest ones for you here.
Motorcycle World Records: Historical Moments
Balancing a Motorcycle
Every motorcycle rider knows you need balance. But for Gerard Jessie, balance takes on a new meaning. Jessie holds the record for the longest time balancing a motorcycle on his head. After balancing the motorcycle for 14.93 seconds, Jessie earned the title for one of the strangest motorcycle world records.
Longest Wheelie
With the popularity of wheelies in movies and television shows, you’d think they’d be a little easier to accomplish. As wheelies are pretty dangerous, most riders don’t attempt them. If they do attempt them, they certainly aren’t over 200 miles long. In 1991, Yasuyuki Kudo held a wheelie for 205.7 miles at the Japan Auto Research Institute. This is by far one of the most impressive motorcycle world records.
Most Expensive
Some people have luxury cars that had a small production run. Others, 13 of them actually, have limited production motorcycles. This is the most expensive of the listed world records. At $300,000, the Ecosse Titanium Series Fe Ti XX is the most expensive production bike in the world.
Most People on a Bike
The most people on a motorcycle is 56 people. In 2013, a group of people in India broke the record for the most amount of people on a bike. While this is one of the hardest motorcycle world records to beat, keep in mind that the group goes by the name “Daredevils”.
Longest Continuous Ride
2013 seems to be the year for breaking world records. For nine miles, Captain Abhayjit Mehlawat stood on his motorcycle. Remember, the motorcycle was moving for all nine of those miles.
Hands-Free Ride
Your mom probably dreaded hearing, “look mom, no hands!”. I’m sure Marcello Sarandrea’s mom dreaded it, too. Marcello rode his bike for 137.94 miles in Rome, Italy with using absolutely no hands. That’s one of the most impressive (and most dangerous) motorcycle world records we’ve heard.
Feb 24, 2019 | Motorcycle, Motorcycle Accidents
With Spring right around the corner, bikes which have been put away for the Winter can finally have their chance to shine again. However, before getting back out on the road, it’s important to perform some quick Spring maintenance. That way, you avoid running into issues when you’re out on that first joy ride of the season…
Spring Maintenance: What to Double-Check
Oil and filters
Proper Spring maintenance includes checking and replacing your fuel and oil supplies. Make sure that your oil still looks good, and add more or replace it if the levels or quality are not up to par. The same goes for your gas tank. If you have any leftover fuel from the Winter, it’s a good idea to drain it and run some fresh fuel through the lines.
Furthermore, your bike filters need a check too. When checking your oil and gas, check the filters as well. Your oil, fuel, and air filters are all important and work together to provide you with the best ride possible.
Battery and plugs
Battery and spark plug checks are sometimes overlooked during Spring maintenance. Also, check your battery for residue buildup and if it has any charge. If your charge appears to be on the weaker side, try to give it a quick charge and work on getting a new one soon.
Spark plugs can be easy to check, but sometimes riders overthink them during their Spring maintenance. First, just pull out the plugs and check their condition. If they need replacement, just go for a plug that had a good reputation and fits your bike.
Chain, breaks and tires
Your chain, breaks, and tires all work together, so if one is in bad shape, they all can be impacted. For your chain, check for rust or breaks first. If it all looks good, give it a quick clean and apply some new lubricant. Then, most of your Spring maintenance is done.
Your last stop on Spring maintenance, is checking the breaks. As we all know, brake function is key to safety for any rider or driver. Check the break pads for wear, and replace the brake fluid with a new batch. For the tires, make sure they have the right amount of air in them. Give them a change as well if they’re a bit too worn out.
Spring is a great time to start riding again. Of course, you want to make sure your bike is still in working order after a Winter tucked away. Doing this Spring maintenance can help make sure your bike is ready for the many, many rides ahead.
Aug 24, 2018 | Motorcycle
When it comes to motorcycle manners and etiquette, there are some things that are sacred. Having proper etiquette on your motorcycle means that you’re following the law, driving considerately, and showing courtesy towards other riders and drivers. By being a responsible motorcyclist, you help to kill the biker stigma, keep yourself safe, and make drivers and riders aware of the moves you might be making. Therefore, using motorcycle manners and etiquette can do a lot for you, and other people on the roadway.
Motorcycle Manners and Etiquette: Breaking Biker Bias & Being Considerate
Be mindful of other bikers when coming up close
The first rule of motorcycle manners is to be respectful of other bikers’ space. When approaching another biker, don’t ride up too closely. If you want to pass, give them the signal that you’re going to do so. You don’t want to make the other driver angry, anxious, or nervous by riding too close. So, give them space just like you’d want. Furthermore, give them enough time to respond and react to your signals when you give them. By respecting their space, they’ll be more likely to respect you, and your space.
Yep, it’s that simple. When you’re riding around other motorcyclists— waving or giving a quick nod is customary, and a sign of respect. By doing this, you’re showing that you see them, and you’re aware of their space. Many motorcyclists will make more of a habit to wave at someone on the same brand of bike as theirs. But, waving at any and all is a sign of respect that can go a long way.
How these signs and symbols can help reduce biker bias
The images that come to mind (for most) of bikers are particularly destructive to the motorcycle community. While we are aware that motorcyclists are just your every day bankers, doctors, moms, dads, and so forth— the stigma of inconsiderate speed demons is quite a popular one. Therefore, by showing that the motorcycle community is, in fact, a community, and not a gang of lawless bandits— you help to strengthen the idea of normal people who love bikes. Help to show that, we too, have manners like the rest of the drivers on the road.
Aug 8, 2018 | Motorcycle
Anyone who rides a motorcycle knows how great it can be. It’s a liberating way to enjoy beautiful weather, see beautiful places, and experience the thrill of the open air. Riders do so in a number of ways; some do their daily commute on a motorcycle, and some use it as a weekend getaway. No matter what you prefer, you always buy a motorcycle with more in mind than just functionality. However, the fun can quickly come to a halt when you begin to experience motorcycle-related back pain. Although there are many positives to riding, back pain is most definitely a down side.
Motorcycle-Related Back Pain: Cause and Prevention
The most important thing to know is that motorcycle-related back pain can stem from a number of different things. From posture, to support, and even weight— depending on the way you ride, and what you ride, there could be a number of causes.
What bikes are best?
So, if you’re looking to purchase a bike, and back support is a priority for you, look into your standard bike. Cruisers and Sport bikes offer much less support. Standard bikes force the rider to sit up straight, and provide that little bit of support that trains you to have good posture atop your bike. Your second best option is a cruiser. Cruisers also have that bit of support that allows for an upright posture, limiting the amount of stress. However, a sport bike forces the rider to lean forward. Thus, offering the most stress on your back and the least support.
Other factors in causing pain
There are plenty of other factors that can lead to motorcycle-related back pain. For instance, a rider’s weight may lead to discomfort in that they have to handle the bike accordingly. Furthermore, the positioning of your bike parts can cause issues. If your handlebars, seat, and foot pegs aren’t in the correct places— the way you have to sit to handle your bike can be damaging to your posture. Many people don’t think to customize their parts to their body. However, it’s worth the investment to make your riding experience a little more unique to you, and the needs of your own body.
Riding a motorcycle is a liberating feeling, and one that many people chase after. But when that bike leads to back trouble— the appeal can sink quickly. That’s where picking the right bike, positioning, and parts can make all the difference. A bike can mean back pain for many, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you.