Figure Skating Injuries

Figure skating is a beautiful, graceful, and challenging practice. However, when you’re getting started, the practice can be difficult, and even dangerous. If you consider all of the pieces involved in figure skating, such as skates, blades, hard ice, and cold muscles— it is easy to see how you might incur some figure skating injuries along the way… 

Figure Skating Injuries: Ice Issues

When you begin a serious, competitive practice…

For anyone who begins figure skating, you know it can be pretty addicting. Many people hit the ice for the first time and never want to leave. For this reason, overuse injuries are quite common— and come in many different forms. From stress fractures, muscle pain, shin splints, lower back pain, and even simple blisters and irritation. While these are only a few common overuse injuries, there are plenty more that even the most seasoned figure skater can fall victim to. 

You’ll likely be spending between 2-4 hours on the ice, plus 1-3 hours off the ice, to increase strength, flexibility, aerobics, choreography, and so forth. In short, you’re putting your body under a lot of stress in a new environment. 

Your skates 

When you start figure skating, you’ll likely get a new pair of skates. As anyone knows, breaking in new shoes can cause blisters, discomfort, and other issues. This problem is not just limited to your every day shoes. In fact, the discomfort you feel when breaking in new skates is practically tenfold. Furthermore, a poor fit can actually be dangerous. 

New skates look nice, bright, and shiny. However, breaking them in can cause friction, rubbing, and pressure that makes skating successfully… difficult. Furthermore, an ill fit can affect alignment, your ability to jump and land properly, and to skate comfortably. 

Smaller injuries 

These types of figure skating injuries are common to all skaters. However, there are plenty of smaller injuries that are going to be more common to beginners. Take, for example, slips and falls on the ice. Ideally, you will be wearing some sort of padding in a training setting. However, even if you are, a nasty fall can be pretty painful. Furthermore, your body is cold, your muscles are likely tight, and taking a tumble could lead to concussion, sprains, soreness, bruises, or even catching another skate to the fingers. 

Figure skating is a beautiful, yet dangerous sport… 

However, there are plenty of ways to avoid injury. Figure skating can be a ton of fun, especially when you begin to see your hard work pay off. Therefore, follow these tips, find ways to decrease injury, and skate safe. Having a good instructor can make all the difference… 

When Is It Important to Make a Will?

If you’re wondering if you need to make a will, the answer is fairly simple. Anybody can choose to have a will, and it will direct what happens to your assets after you die. However, many put off making a will until it becomes necessary. You need to create a will if you are married. Similarly, if you are a parent, you need to create a will. If you have a positive net worth, then it’s also a good idea to make a will. However, anybody can make a will and probably should. Make sure that you find an experienced attorney to walk you through the process.

When Is It Important to Make a Will? Protecting Yourself and Others

How Does a Will Work?

When you make a will, you are protecting your future in a way. If you pass away and you have a will, then your assets will be distributed the way that you want. If you have certain things you’d like to designate to certain family members or money set aside for charities, you will make that possible. However, if you die without a will, the court decides what happens to your assets.


You need to create a will when you marry somebody. When you die, if you have a will, your assets will go to your spouse and children if you’d like. However, it’s not guaranteed if you die without a will or intestate. The courts typically prioritize spouses and children but it’s not always the case. If you’d like to direct your assets to anybody else, you can also accomplish this through a will.


Anybody with children needs to make a will. This is incredibly important because the assets that you leave your children are all you can do to set them off on the right foot financially for the rest of their life. If you have important possessions that you’d like certain children to get, you can outline this in your will. Your will is also extremely important because it will direct who will be the guardian for your children. This is the person that you choose who will raise your children in your absence, so it’s important to get a will in place so that you have control over this.

Net Worth

Finally, if you have a positive net worth, then you’ll need to make a will. Positive net worth means that your assets and savings total more than your debts. Especially if you’re net worth is over $100,000. A will can also help you establish what happens to your assets if you’d like to leave certain things to certain people or charities. You can also include details about what to do with your business if you’re a small business owner.

If you’re wondering if you need to make a will, the short answer is that if you have any desire to have a say in what happens to your assets when you die, you need one. If you’re a spouse and want to direct your assets to or away from your husband or wife, a will can do this. Additionally, it’s important for parents to have a will as well. This will make sure that their children inherit their assets and can also direct who is their guardian. Finally, if you have a positive net worth, you need to make a will. Just remember to use an experienced attorney to help you make your will so that it is legally binding and covers all of your bases.

Work Injury Aftermath

You’ve recently been injured at work. Now, you’re stressed about multiple things on your plate. Furthermore, you’re not sure what you can do with your time now. When you’re off of work during the work injury aftermath, there is some freedom in figuring out what to do with your time.

Work Injury Aftermath: Making Use of Down Time


Depending on your personality, babysitting can sound either fun or awful. Either way, it’s something that can make you cash as you face the work injury aftermath and doesn’t exert too much energy. If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, let them know you are available to look after their kids. That way, if they need you to babysit, you can earn some money. On top of that, you have something to do with your time and you can build a better neighbor relationship. If none of your neighbors need a babysitter, you can always search for people nearby that are looking for one.


It may have been a little while since you were in school. However, this shouldn’t hold you back. If there was a topic that you were really good at, you should use it! This is another good way to spend your time when recovering from work injury aftermath. It can also make you some money, depending on where you tutor. In addition to that, you don’t have to move around too much to tutor! Try to figure out the best location and time that works for you. That way, when you’re looking for tutor positions, this can center your search.

Read a New Book

People often say that they’re too busy to read a new book or watch a show because of work. Even though this is a hard situation to be in, you can use this to relax. By the same token, relax can help the time go faster while you heal through the work injury aftermath. It can be fun to read a new book or watch a new show so, have fun with it!

Start a New Hobby

Similarly, starting a new hobby could’ve been put off because of work. If you want to try painting or knitting or anything else that doesn’t hurt your work injury, try it. You may surprise yourself with how good you are at it. If you can’t start your new hobby because of lack of money, look up alternatives. If you have any alternatives in the house, nothing is stopping you from trying something new!

Work injury aftermath is hard to go through. However, you don’t have to sit at home and not have fun or make money. There are many ways that can improve the time that you need to take off. 

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

While some people don’t have to go through the thrilling experience of wisdom tooth surgery, most teens and adults will at some point. Your experience with it can vary depending on plenty of different variables. However, it’s important that you take care of yourself post-surgery. Your doctor did their part (hopefully), so now it’s time to do yours. 

Wisdom Tooth Surgery & Recovery

Continue Following Instructions

Whatever instructions your dentist gave you for recovering from your wisdom tooth surgery, continue doing them. This might include not eating solids, minding your extraction site, and taking medicines in a timely fashion. You might need some help on that first day when you’re out of it. But, try to arrange this ahead of time. No one wants to come out of wisdom tooth surgery and try to find a caretaker.

By following your doctor’s orders, you can reduce pain and lessen your healing time.If you’re days into the healing process and still in the same amount of pain— reach out to your dentist. There might have been an error in your surgery, or maybe you just need a bit more medicine. Whatever it may be, communicate with your doctor to make sure you’re receiving the proper amount of care. 

Take your medication properly

As we mentioned before, don’t miss your medicine schedule. Wisdom tooth surgery can be quite painful. Your medicine is there to help you manage that pain. Furthermore, besides not missing your medication schedule, also avoid doubling up on your medication. Your pain medication, just like any other, has side effects and addictive properties. In short, use your medication properly and without overdoing it.

A common procedure, but not to be taken lightly

Wisdom tooth surgery is so common that almost everyone has to get one. However, every healing process will look different. But if you follow this guide, and the strict instructions from your surgeon, you’ll be back to 100% in no time at all. In short, pay mind to your healing and extraction site. Don’t fall victim to pain and suffering because of negligence. We wish you luck with your surgery, encourage you to follow recovery instructions, and also encourage you to follow up with your doctor.

Workplace Violence: Addressing Unexpected Trauma

When it comes to worker’s comp cases— there are plenty of cases that come through our offices. From slips and falls, broken bones, construction injuries… It seems that hurt workers emerge from every field— no matter the assumed danger. However, what happens when you’re faced with workplace violence?

Workplace violence can come in different forms. From verbal and physical abuse, sexual violence, robbery… This type of violence comes in many different forms, which means that there are many ways to address it… 

Workplace Violence: Addressing Unexpected Trauma 


Quite obviously, the best way to handle this type of trauma— is to prevent it. While accidents will always happen— there are certain steps you can take to prevent violence…

  • Review your hiring and vetting process. Consider more in-depth background checks, reference checks— and even annual or semi-annual reviews of all staff. 
  • Review security and update. Install cameras, metal detectors, or whatever security settings you see fit to prevent danger in your workplace. 
  • Encourage staff to report threats, incidents, or fears of workplace violence in a way that makes them comfortable. Anonymous tips, emails to HR, and other means of reporting can prevent many issues.
  • Take time every now and then to encourage team building exercises
  • Provide workplace counselors for those in need, or those who face tragedy in their work or personal life. 

Understand common stressors, causes, and red flags 

There are some issues that can be outside of your control— such as sexual abuse, or armed robbery. However, much workplace violence occurs when there are angry employees, faulty protocol, improperly vetted employees, or general stress. 

If you find yourself suspicious of potential workplace violence, or the victim of such, it’s important that you seek out assistance…

…Whether that comes in form of calling the police, reporting to your boss, or an attorney after the fact— there are options for prevention and also dealing with the problem. 

If you have been the victim of workplace violence, we offer our condolences. The events you have endured can lead to injuries, physical and emotional trauma, as well as resulting medical costs— depending on the event. Therefore, you might need an attorney to defend your right to damages. 

How-to Practice Early Voting Safety During COVID-19

In what is being described as a ‘record avalanche’ of early votes, the polls have been seemingly busier than usual during this season of early voting. Here in Charlotte, voting stations are available city wide. Bank of America Stadium is acting as a polling station so you can social distance and cast your early vote. But, with numbers on rise both in terms of voters and COVID-19, how do you practice early voting safety in this time that requires special consideration? The good news is that by going early, you’re already taking the first step. 

How-to Practice Early Voting Safety during COVID-19: Safety in Numbers

Wear a mask 

There are a few different things that you need to do in order to both follow CDC guidelines and to practice early voting safety. The first step we encourage is wearing a mask. While many public spaces currently enforce this mandate— you might find that you can sometimes slip through the cracks. Even in those instances, we encourage you to wear your mask. As we mention above, the number of early voters is at a record high. This means that even on a slow day or during an hour you might think to be slow, you might still find yourself in quite a long line or big crowd. Wear a mask, be aware, and keep your distance even if there is no one close by telling you to do so. 

Hand Sanitizer is essential 

Many polling places are skipping stickers this year and instead opting for pens with a stylus. Exercising the pen versus sticker option keeps you from having to touch as many different things. While this is absolutely a helpful and mindful step for North Carolina to take, it doesn’t fully eliminate the sanitation issue. So, keep hand sanitizer in your pocket or bag. Use sanitizer after every step of the process and hope others do the same. Early voting safety starts the same way as any other situation does— by keeping your hands and spaces clean and sanitary. 

Consider mailing in your ballot 

If you want to avoid the polling places altogether, consider choosing the mail-in ballot option. Mail-in ballot locations are located all over the city. All you have to do is drop your ballot in the box and go on with your day— easy as that! Many people feel wary of this option for any number of reasons. But, if you feel confident in doing so, mail-in voting a great way to practice early voting safety. Just make sure you are aware of the deadlines and that you have filled your ballot out properly. 

Don’t let COVID-19 deter you from casting your vote! 

I hope that through this article we have proven to your that early voting safety is possible! Whether it’s by mail, at a location in the coming weeks, or on election day. No matter how you vote, it is absolutely possible to protect yourself and others to the best of your ability. Vote safe, sanitize, find the best method for you, and practice your civic duty. We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season in this difficult time