Types of Truck Accidents: Use Caution

Semi-trucks are everywhere you look on the highways. However, due to their weight and size, they are prone to get into an accident. There are many types of truck accidents. No matter which type it is, they can be very dangerous. Truck drivers need to be very careful when they are driving. However, other cars need to be aware and mindful around trucks as well.

Types of Truck Accidents: Different Ways They Can Cause Accidents

The Vehicle

There are several ways in which the truck itself can cause the accident. A jackknife is one of the types of truck accidents. This happens when a truck trailer folds up on itself so that the cab now forms a 90 degree angle with the trailer. This can happen when a driver brakes hard and quickly. The weight of the trailer brings it forward against the cab, especially if the truck is overloaded. There is also the possibility for a truck to rollover. This could be a result of a driver losing control of his truck. This could cause a lot of danger to the other cars on the road too. 

Trucks can make very wide turns. A wide turn is when a driver swings left before making a right turn. When the driver is not aware of rear traffic or the right side surroundings, it can trap vehicles or even pedestrians. Trucks also have very large blind spots. This can make it dangerous for cars nearby, as a truck may not be able to see them. A truck could change lanes right into another car if the car is in it’s blind spot.


Another one of the types of truck accidents is caused by debris from the truck. Semi-trucks are known for having tire blow outs. This is because they are so heavy that they put a lot of pressure on their tires. When this happens, a big, heavy tire could get thrown up into the air. The tire could hit other cars or block the roadway. It is also possible for a semi-truck to loose it’s cargo load. If the driver or loaders do not properly load or secure the cargo, it could fall out. The lost cargo can then cause a hazard.

Other Cars

It is also possible for other cars on the road to cause a collision with a semi-truck. These can be very serious. It is possible for another car to get stuck underneath the trailer of a truck. This can happen if the truck stops quickly and the other car doesn’t have enough space to react in time. These are one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents.

A car could also be in a head-on collision, or a T-Bone accident, with a semi-truck. These could be either parties fault, depending on what the circumstances were about the crash. Just as with any accident involving a semi-truck, these can be very serious. This is why it is so important to be a defensive driver.

Proper GPS Usage: Truck Driver Safety

Saying that GPS has made driving easier is a huge understatement. With GPS apps on phones, truck drivers can go on longer trips faster and more accurately. However, many drivers are unaware of proper GPS usage. Knowing the right way to use GPS can help you get the most out of this great driving aid…

Proper GPS Usage: Traveling Safely

Keep it at eye-level

GPS is more convenient than ever these days with GPS apps on smartphones. However, these apps come with a risk of drivers constantly glancing at their phones. This takes their eyes off the road, and could lead to potential accidents. That’s why it’s important to keep your GPS at eye-level while driving. Using a phone mount can let you keep your phone GPS up and keep your eyes on the road. Proper GPS usage means you make sure you use it responsibly.

Understand how they operate

It’s always a good idea to know how your GPS works before you head out on the road. Many are designed to be user-friendly, but proper GPS usage means knowing all the features they have to offer. This is especially important in making them safer to use as well. A feature that many GPS apps and devices have is voice navigation. Having your device read out where you need to go can help you stay more focused on the road. Additionally, make sure that it recognizes the address you put in as the correct one before you begin driving!

Use common sense

The GPS is a great tool, but it isn’t perfect. Like all technology, it might have moments where it doesn’t work like it should. In these situations, it’s important to rely to your senses. Remember to obey the traffic signs around you. Many people turn the wrong way onto one-way streets just because their GPS said so! If you think you’re going the wrong way, or your GPS is losing signal, it’s good to stop at somewhere like a gas station and ask for more reliable directions. GPS is a handy tool, but like all tools, you have to use it properly. Proper GPS usage means knowing how to use your device safely and accurately. It also means knowing what to do when things go wrong.

Semi-Truck Drivers: How to Stay Safe & Alert

Semi-truck drivers have a big responsibility when they are on the road. They are driving a very large, heavy vehicle. A truck accident could be very dangerous. Truck drivers need to remember these safe driving tips.

Semi-Truck Drivers: Ways to Stay Safe

Wear a Seat Belt

Airbags are not enough to help you in an accident, even in a vehicle the size of a semi-truck. Semi-truck drivers need to make sure to wear their seat belt so it will keep them safe while driving. This could prevent them from flying out of the vehicle if an accident were to happen. It could also reduce the risk of a more serious injury.

Don’t Drive Distracted

There is a lot of new technology in truck cabs nowadays. This could lead to distracted driving. GPS, while very helpful, can take the driver’s eye off the road and cause accidents. Cell phones can lead to drivers trying to do more while they are driving, which is also causing more accidents. 

Other activities that could cause semi-truck drivers to be distracted while driving are eating, looking for items in the cab, talking to passengers if you have any, and the list goes on. It is important to keep the distractions away while driving. Only take a look at them while at a rest stop, travel center, or at the destination.

Remember the Size of the Semi

Sometimes, it may be hard for semi-truck drivers to remember that they are pulling a lot of weight behind the truck cab. It takes a lot of force to get the semi-truck going, and a lot of force to get it to stop. Therefore, in the case of braking, it is necessary to keep a good amount of distance between a truck and the car ahead. A truck traveling at 55 mph will take 390 feet to come to a complete stop.

Turning can also be a challenge while driving a semi-truck. Drivers should keep in mind that they need to take wide turns. This will help prevent them from getting stuck trying to take tight corners.

Avoid Fatigue

Semi-truck drivers have long days and long weeks. In order to practice safe driving, it is necessary to make sure to take plenty of breaks and get rest. This is especially important when a driver is feeling tired. Driving while tired can be very dangerous. Other tips to reduce fatigue include eating healthy, doing exercises during breaks, and getting a good nights sleep.

Essential Truck Features

It’s important to make sure that your truck is prepared before you head out on the road. While some specifics might vary from driver to driver, there are some essential truck features that you should make sure are taken care of. These are the kind of things that you wouldn’t want to leave without…

Essential Truck Features: Top Priorities

Good tires

A good set of tires are some of the most essential truck features to have in good shape. The old saying “you get what you pay for” is certainly true for truck tires. You shouldn’t settle for cheaper tires to save only a few bucks.

Instead, investing in good quality tires will keep you safe and avoid frequent replacements. Stick to the well-trusted brands and follow their recommendations for proper use. Check them frequently to make sure they are still in good shape. Furthermore, consider all-weather or snow tires if you’re driving in icy or snowy places. 

The right lights

Proper lighting is one of those essential truck features that is useful at night and during the day. Break lights, headlights, running lights. and turn signals all should be in working order before you set out. Make sure to check that they are as bright as they should be so other drivers can see them.

Your lights have multiple purposes when on the road. Lights allow you to see the road and they let other drivers see you as well. They also indicate your intentions to other drivers. This is why it’s important to make sure they are working properly at all times. 

Clear mirrors

Mirrors are considered to be essential truck features, but they often get overlooked. Good mirrors let you see around your truck and avoid accidents. They can also help you with parking and other maneuvers.

However, mirrors may require a bit more maintenance than other features. You’ll have to make sure to clean them off if they get too much dirt and grime buildup. You’ll also have to make sure they’re in the right position before driving. The benefits that good mirrors give you makes this maintenance well worth it.

Taking care of the truck essentials will make your trips much more safer. Give these components a check the next time you’re getting ready to head out to make your driving experience all the more enjoyable.

Truck Driving-Related Work Injuries

There are plenty of different fields you can enter within the workforce. Form physical labor, to desk jobs, and even hitting the road. The thing to remember with any job, is that they come with their own set of risks. Even desk jobs come with a heightened risk of back and neck injuries. Another field that often leads to back injuries, is truck driving. Truck driving-related work injuries are extremely common due to the nature of the job. While many injuries are obvious in nature, there are also a few which you might not have considered… 

Truck Driving-Related Work Injuries

Back and Neck 

Quite obviously, when it comes to truck driving-related work injuries, your back is at a high risk of facing issue. If you consider what a truck driver is doing— driving long hours, sleeping in close quarters, and also occasionally lifting and unloading heavy materials… It’s easy to see how these injuries would occur. Therefore, it’s important to practice good posture in driving and lifting.

Consider purchasing additional support for your driver’s seat, and also pulling over for a stretch every now and then. While stiffness is pesky, it’s also not low-impact. You want to stretch your muscles, maybe take a short walk, and engage your back before sitting back down in that seat to avoid truck driving-related work injuries.

Slips and Falls 

While you might not think that there’s much action which can lead to injury— there are actually a few different ways to face slip and fall truck driving-related work injuries. From getting in and out of the truck, to lifting the back door, lowering the lift gate… Even these seemingly small actions put you at risk for taking a tumble and hurting yourself. 

Repetitive Stress Injuries, and Ignored Issues 

You’re sitting in the truck for long periods of time. Your back might hurt a little bit, but you’re not too concerned. However, ignoring those little pains can lead to a bigger issue, and serious truck driving-related work injuries. In fact, ignoring that injury can lead to further injury down the line. Due to the fact that your back is under stress, and ignored— the issue can amplify.

There isn’t the same opportunity to heal while continuing your job when you’re a truck driver. Instead, you’re sitting down. Therefore, it’s important to take a day or tow when you need it. That way, you can avoid a prolong time spent off the road to trying to recover from truck driving-related work injuries. 

Trailer Talk: Trucker Lingo and Phrases

Growing up, nearly every single on of us has a memory of passing a tractor trailer on the roadway and motioning for them to honk their horn. It was a game for long car rides, or a challenge on the school bus. No matter where you experienced this, it is a visceral image we can almost all recall. However, while we can all recall the ‘honking’ game bit of trailer talk, you might not realize that there are plenty of other phrases that truckers themselves might use to communicate a number of different things. From police on the roadway, to emergencies, and different destinations— there seems to be a common phrase for everything.

Trailer Talk: Commonly Used Phrases

Popular Terms

First of all, when it comes to trailer talk, these are the most common terms:

  • 10-4: Usually used to signify acknowledgment, but can also be used in agreement
  • 10-6: Basically saying, “I’m busy, please hold”
  • 10-7: The trailer talk equivalent of an AIM away message. “I’m done for the night, signing off!”
  • 10-8: En-route. Usually used when saying you’re on the way to a location.
  • 10-9: Repeat your last message, I did not receive it. 
  • 10-20: 20 denotes a location. In fact, it can be used to inform others of your location or ask others for their “20”.
  • 10-33: This term is used to clear the channel for emergency traffic.
  • 10-100: This means you’re taking a potty break!
  • Runnin’you across: The weigh station is open and moving quickly

Law Enforcement

Second, in order to let other trucks know about nearby law enforcement, there is certain trailer talk to talk about just that. Then, they don’t need to guess what is ahead of them on the road!

  • Evel Knievel: a police officer on a motorcycle
  • Mama Bear: A female police officer
  • Papa Bear: A police officer with a CB radio
  • Baby Bear: A rookie police officer
  • Bear Trap: A speed trap
  • Bear bite: A speeding ticket
  • Fox in the hen house: An unmarked police vehicle
  • Full-grown bear: State trooper
  • Flying doughnut: A police helicopter


Finally, when it comes to trailer talk, some of it focuses merely on places you might be going. In fact, some slang is for locations of truck drivers or their destinations only, so they can communicate with other drivers.

  • Gateway: St. Louis, Missouri
  • Lost Wages: Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Mardi Gras: New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Bingotown: Binghamton, New York
  • Beantown: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Motor City: Detroit, Michigan
  • Stack of Bricks: a house or home
  • Spud Town: Boise, Idaho
  • Windy City: Chicago, Illinois