Jan 26, 2025 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Depending on the conditions under which you work, you might find that you’re facing a handful of occupational hazards, or resulting injuries. While some may not be very serious, others can have a life long impact. If you work in factories, or construction sites, you might be exposed to loud noises on a daily basis. For this reason, among others, hearing loss can be a potential lifelong work injury that you receive. If you find yourself suffering from any degree of hearing loss as a result of the workplace, it might be a good idea to speak with an attorney about what actions you can take to compensate for your loss of quality of life.
Hearing Loss as a Work Injury
The state of North Carolina has some guidelines in place for how to deal with these cases. Like many other diseases and injuries, your hearing issues can be a direct result of your work environment. Therefore, employees may be able to receive workers comp for this. But there are some stipulations in these cases.
Total vs partial hearing loss. Permanent sensorineural loss of hearing in both ears would result in workers comp. In short, all that means is permanent deafness due to damage in the ear caused by exposure to a loud noise. In this case, an employees may receive up to 150 weeks of workers comp. That means around 2/3 of the employees weekly salary paid out for 150 weeks.
Partial hearing loss. In the case of partial hearing loss, the employer will only pay for any hearing lost while working at the company. For instance, most companies will ask a new employer to take a hearing test before beginning work. Therefore, they will compare the pre-test to a current test.
Loss in both ears. In order to receive workers comp, an employee must suffer loss in both ears. If an employee only experiences a loss of hearing in one ear, then he will not be eligible for workers comp.
Like many other injuries, hearing loss can leave you eligible for workers comp. However, having an attorney in place can help you make that determination. We wish you luck in facing this issue, and offer our condolences for you loss of quality of life.
Sep 16, 2024 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
You may be looking at ways to make money while on workers comp. If you’re injured and unable to work, you will likely only receive two-thirds of your regular pay. Keep in mind, working a second job or a side-job could affect your benefits. Check with your policy and laws before deciding to proceed.
Make Money While on Workers Comp: Ideas to Make Money
Sell Your Clutter
You can make money while on workers comp plus clean out your house at the same time. Platforms like eBay, Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace are a great place to cash in on things you are not using. Poshmark is more focused on clothing items, while eBay and Facebook Marketplace are for just about anything.
Rent Out a Room
If you have a spare room in your home, and feel comfortable doing so, you could rent it out on Airbnb to make money while on workers comp. This works best if you live in or near a big city, or an attraction of some sort. Beaches, state or national parks, or other scenic areas are top spots for people to want to rent a room. Don’t forget to check the rules of where you live to make sure you are allowed to put your place on Airbnb.
Take Surveys
There are plenty of websites where you can take surveys for cash. This is an easy way to make some extra money while on workers comp while on your phone or computer. Surveys will range in length and pay, but there’s money to be made.
Become a Driver
With rideshares growing in popularity, you can become a driver to bring in extra money. Rideshare services like Lyft and Uber are options you can look into. These services have branched into food delivery as well, which will give another money making opportunity. Of course this is all dependent on what type of injury you have sustained.
If you’re crafty, you could make extra money by selling items on Etsy. This site is great for arts and crafts. From jewelry to paintings, and handmade cards to sticker decals, there is a little bit of everything on Etsy.
If you need to make some extra money while on workers comp, there are plenty of options available. Your options may be limited due to the type of injury you have, and the rules surrounding your claim.
Jul 14, 2024 | Personal Injury, Work Injuries
You’ve recently been injured at work. Now, you’re stressed about multiple things on your plate. Furthermore, you’re not sure what you can do with your time now. When you’re off of work during the work injury aftermath, there is some freedom in figuring out what to do with your time.
Work Injury Aftermath: Making Use of Down Time
Depending on your personality, babysitting can sound either fun or awful. Either way, it’s something that can make you cash as you face the work injury aftermath and doesn’t exert too much energy. If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, let them know you are available to look after their kids. That way, if they need you to babysit, you can earn some money. On top of that, you have something to do with your time and you can build a better neighbor relationship. If none of your neighbors need a babysitter, you can always search for people nearby that are looking for one.
It may have been a little while since you were in school. However, this shouldn’t hold you back. If there was a topic that you were really good at, you should use it! This is another good way to spend your time when recovering from work injury aftermath. It can also make you some money, depending on where you tutor. In addition to that, you don’t have to move around too much to tutor! Try to figure out the best location and time that works for you. That way, when you’re looking for tutor positions, this can center your search.
Read a New Book
People often say that they’re too busy to read a new book or watch a show because of work. Even though this is a hard situation to be in, you can use this to relax. By the same token, relax can help the time go faster while you heal through the work injury aftermath. It can be fun to read a new book or watch a new show so, have fun with it!
Start a New Hobby
Similarly, starting a new hobby could’ve been put off because of work. If you want to try painting or knitting or anything else that doesn’t hurt your work injury, try it. You may surprise yourself with how good you are at it. If you can’t start your new hobby because of lack of money, look up alternatives. If you have any alternatives in the house, nothing is stopping you from trying something new!
Work injury aftermath is hard to go through. However, you don’t have to sit at home and not have fun or make money. There are many ways that can improve the time that you need to take off.
Jun 23, 2024 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
The days, weeks, and months, following a work injury can be extremely stressful. The process of a worker’s comp injury, from paperwork, appointments, and requirements, can make your days feel long. Not to mention, these things can bring worry over receiving those necessary benefits. Not to mention, recovery, and the feelings that come along with it. There’s no denying that when it comes to work injury stress, there are plenty of different ways that it can creep in. So, how do you cope with it? And what can you do to manage your feelings, and ease your mind?
Work Injury Stress: Tips for Coping
Talk to a Worker’s Compensation Attorney
Along with a work injury, comes a lot of financial stress and pressure. Your work injury likely will prevent you from being able to perform the responsibilities that are set forth by your position. For this reason, you’ll likely need some period of time spent away from your position. While, with a work injury, you should receive benefits it can be daunting to watch all of those expenses add up. Furthermore, if you notice that your employer is trying to deny the compensation you deserve in any capacity, you should speak with an attorney. While, in many cases, you won’t have to worry about your employer trying to get over on you— that is not always the case. So, with cases that seem to be headed in this direction, or any major injury case, you should speak with an attorney.
Educate yourself on the injury
Your doctors are knowledgeable, and there to answer the questions you have about your injury, and resulting issues that might arise. So, make a list of questions, make use of your time. After all, you’ll be spending quite a bit of time in the doctor’s office following an injury. Furthermore, do your own research from reliable sources. It’s easy to feel out of control when it comes to a work injury, being that you’re having to meet worker’s comp requirements. So, getting information is one way to reduce stress, and take control.
Build a Relationship With Your Doctor
This doctor is not the doctor you’re used to seeing. However, this is the doctor who will be getting up close and personal with your injury. So, build trust with that doctor. It can be easy to feel distrustful of a doctor you had no control over choosing. But, you have the chance to ask questions, take notes, and follow their recovery plan. You’ll be spending a lot of time with the doctor. So, finding ways to trust them and their process can make a big difference in how you feel overall.
Rely on the Support of Family and Friends
Since this can be such a difficult time, it’s important to reach out and accept help from others. Sometimes, allowing people to help us can be one of the hardest aspects of dealing with an injury. However, fighting against it will only add to your worries and increase your work injury stress. So, try to allow your family and friends to be the support system you need.
May 14, 2024 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Many workplaces make use of computers, especially in offices. However, all that typing and clicking can eventually lead to carpal tunnel. This could seriously get in the way of you doing your job effectively. However, there are some ways that you can help protect yourself…
Carpal Tunnel: Repetitive Stress Injuries
Use less pressure
Often times, when we get used to doing something, we never give it a second thought. One of these areas can be how much force we use. For instance, you could grip a tool too hard when you don’t need to. Or, in this case, you use too much force when typing when gentle keystrokes are all you need.
Using too much pressure and force when typing isn’t the best thing for your hands and wrists. Doing so will add a lot of unnecessary strain on them which could lead to carpal tunnel. Plus, it’ll keep your hands tense, further complicating things. Instead, try to ease off the pressure and keep your hands more relaxed while you work.
Take a break
It’s always important to give yourself a break when you need it. This is pretty easy to see if you work at a job that requires a lot of physical activity. If you don’t take a break, your job quality can suffer, and your chance of injury can go up. However, for people who work desk jobs, this can be harder to realize.
While a desk job might not be a strenuous as other jobs, it still presents hazards like carpal tunnel. That’s why it’s still important to take the occasional break. A quick 10-15 minute break every hour, for example, is a good idea. Plus, you’ll also be giving not just your hands a break, but other areas like your eyes one as well.
Do some stretches
Part of preventing carpal tunnel is keeping your hands nice and loose. A great way to do this is by doing stretches. As it turns out, there’s plenty of different hand and wrist stretches you can do at the comfort of your own desk.
One of the nice things about these stretches is that they compliment your breaks quite well. These stretches are quick, easy, and can be done at nearly any time. Doing them will help you keep your hands loose for the rest of your working day.
Apr 7, 2024 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Every profession comes with it’s own set of risks. However, when you think of work-related injuries, you likely picture broken bones, falling materials, burns, or something of the like. However, work-related injuries come in all forms and fashions. Take, for example, computer eye strain. Computer eye strain originates from an obvious source— spending your workday staring into a computer. In fact, computer eye strain has become a major job-related complaint for computer workers. So, how do know when you’re on the receiving end of computer eye problems? What can you do to prevent it? And lastly, what can you do to treat the damage?
Computer Eye Problems: Common Computer Worker Injuries
Prevention and Management
Comprehensive eye exams are a necessity when you spend most of your days in front of the computer. Therefore, it’s important that you take measures to prevent damage, but also to document changes in your eyesight in case of injury. When seeing an eye doctor, make sure to tell them how often you work on a computer, how much time you spend there, and they can test accordingly.
Take a break every now and then
.rd documents, or something of the like. In doing so, you might forget to blink or rest your eyes from time to time. Eye doctors have a “20-20-20” rule that they encourage people prone to computer eye problems to follow. Once every 20 minutes, look away from your screen, at an object 20+ feet away, for at least 20 second. Doing this 20-20-20 exercise gives your eyes a moment to relax, and reduce fatigue.
Modifying eyewear
If you wear glasses, or even if you don’t, consider introducing customized glasses into your daily uniform. Computer glasses can help to reduce or eliminate computer eye problems by reducing exposure to harmful blue light that radiates from digital devices. This is a feature that can be added onto your existing glasses, or you can get a specific pair that only have this function.
In short, computer eye problems are extremely common for people who work primarily from the computer. However, that’s not to say every computer worker is will end up with eye issues. But, you have to take the time and put the work in to avoid it. See your eye doctor, express concern, and keep record of how your eyes improve, or worsen over time.