Computer Eye Problems

Every profession comes with it’s own set of risks. However, when you think of work-related injuries, you likely picture broken bones, falling materials, burns, or something of the like. However, work-related injuries come in all forms and fashions. Take, for example, computer eye strain. Computer eye strain originates from an obvious source— spending your workday staring into a computer. In fact, computer eye strain has become a major job-related complaint for computer workers. So, how do know when you’re on the receiving end of computer eye problems? What can you do to prevent it? And lastly, what can you do to treat the damage? 

Computer Eye Problems: Common Computer Worker Injuries 

Prevention and Management 

Comprehensive eye exams are a necessity when you spend most of your days in front of the computer. Therefore, it’s important that you take measures to prevent damage, but also to document changes in your eyesight in case of injury. When seeing an eye doctor, make sure to tell them how often you work on a computer, how much time you spend there, and they can test accordingly.

Take a break every now and then

.rd documents, or something of the like. In doing so, you might forget to blink or rest your eyes from time to time. Eye doctors have a “20-20-20” rule that they encourage people prone to computer eye problems to follow. Once every 20 minutes, look away from your screen, at an object 20+ feet away, for at least 20 second. Doing this 20-20-20 exercise gives your eyes a moment to relax, and reduce fatigue. 

Modifying eyewear 

If you wear glasses, or even if you don’t, consider introducing customized glasses into your daily uniform. Computer glasses can help to reduce or eliminate computer eye problems by reducing exposure to harmful blue light that radiates from digital devices. This is a feature that can be added onto your existing glasses, or you can get a specific pair that only have this function. 

In short, computer eye problems are extremely common for people who work primarily from the computer. However, that’s not to say every computer worker is will end up with eye issues. But, you have to take the time and put the work in to avoid it. See your eye doctor, express concern, and keep record of how your eyes improve, or worsen over time. 

Eye Injuries: Unexpected Workplace Incidents

Eye injuries are surprisingly common in the workplace. Many of these injuries tend to be avoidable if proper safety measures are taken. Being aware of eye injury causes and what you can do to protect yourself can help keep you safe at the workplace…

Eye Injuries: Causes & Protection

Common causes

Different workplaces may have different causes of eye injuries. For example, workers who do a lot of cutting or sawing will have to watch for flying bits of metal or wood. Meanwhile, workers who handle chemicals will run the risk of these chemicals potentially entering their eyes. Even light can be a risk if a worker is handling lasers or other high-intensity light sources.

These hazards can also show up in combination with each other. This further increases the chances of a worker receiving an eye injury. This is why it’s especially important for workers to take steps to protect themselves.

Remove risks before working

The best kind of protection against eye injuries is being aware of what could be a risk in the first place. It’s important to preform safety checks of your workplace before you start your work. This will not only let you spot and remove potential eye hazards, but other hazards as well. 

For those risks you can’t remove, try to use some other safety options available to you. For example, many machines will come with guards or screens. These can help you still see what you’re doing, while also having an added layer of protection if things go wrong.

Eye protection

Of course, there is always eye protection. Eye protection is the most preferred and commonly recommended way of preventing eye injuries. Eye protection will let you have that full control over your work while also keeping yourself safe. 

The kind of eye protection you should use depends on the work you’re doing. Safety glasses can help keep your eyes safe from flying debris. Goggles will help protect your eyes when handling chemicals. If you’re working with intense light, you’ll want to make sure your eye protection also comes with UV protection as well.

Eye injuries are something that no worker wants to deal with. That’s why it’s crucial to know what you can do to keep yourself safe. Taking those steps to protect your eyes will ensure you can do your job safely and productively. Furthermore, if you are facing this type of injury (or any type of injury), it is important to make your employer aware and properly document your condition.

Winter Workplace Accidents: Common Incidents and Prevention 

As we move towards the winter months, winter workplace accidents become much more likely to happen. You might not consider how the different times of year can increase or decrease your chances of getting hurt. But, with each season comes different elements to prepare for. So, we’re here to help. Below, we’re going to make sense of some of the most common winter workplace accidents, and steps you can take as employees (and employers) to keep yourself, and others, safe from danger. As we all know, accidents do happen. However, by practicing caution and care, we can reduce the number of incidents dramatically…

Winter Workplace Accidents: Common Incidents and Prevention

Shivers and Slips

If you work outside frequently, you know how hot and cold it can get depending on the time of year. Therefore, wearing appropriate dress can keep you from overheating, getting frostbite, and receiving other weather-related traumas. In the winter months, wear gloves and thick jackets. You want to be able to brave the elements if you know you’ll be spending a lot of time amongst them. Furthermore, if you’re in a work area, make sure to wear slip resistant shoes. When there’s snow on the ground, or water, you might find that there are more areas in and outside that can be easy to slip on. So, keep your eyes peeled, and also keep your feet planted on the ground. Good traction goes a long way in doing just that.

Keeping Floors and Ground Slip Resistant

As we mentioned above, tracking in snow and water can become potentially disastrous for employees and employers. For this reason, having mats in place is essential to eliminating a few of those accidents. By placing proper mats near entry and exit ways, you encourage employees to dry off their feet before entering the workspace. In doing so, you reduce the number of potential fall spots without even making too much of an effort. Furthermore, shovel walkways and slick spots. In taking the time to clear walkways, you can protect your employees and even customers. While ice is outside of your control, a customer will often make their accident your responsibility to care for.

Allow for a bit more down time

When you’re working outside in the cold, having a moment to knock off that chill can go a long way in preventing winter workplace injuries. When the space you’re working in is unheated, take a moment. Warm those bones for a moment, and then get back to work. Making your safety a priority, or the safety of your employees, is key to preventing accidents.

Remember that accidents do, and will, happen

While we can take plenty of steps to prevent accidents, there will still be an ‘oops’ every now and then. If you, or one of your employees, faces a winter workplace accident, it’s important that you treat it with care. File a claim, see a doctor, and take the time to heal properly. Every accident is different, but the chance for a full recovery is something we all hope to see. We wish you luck in treating an injury, and offer our services if you find that you may need them.

Office Ergonomics: Creating Unique Safety Protocol

When it comes to on-the-job injuries, you don’t have to do something physically taxing to face them. In fact, many work injuries happen right inside of the office, or cubicle. Some of the more common office injuries come in the form of back, neck, and carpal tunnel injuries. These injuries vary greatly from injuries faced when working in, say, construction or a factory. This injuries typically occur because of long hours spent at a desk, hunched over a computer, and ignoring proper techniques for avoiding pain and injury. The fact of the matter is, there’s no real training when it comes to how to sit at your desk without pain. That’s where we come in. Below, you’ll find some methods for office ergonomics that can help prevent injury, and increase productivity.

Office Ergonomics: Prevent Office Space Injuries

Your Chair

One of the first places to begin office ergonomics is with your chair. Your chair supports your spine and sets the tone for how your back and neck will operate. Therefore, you want to make sure it offers firm support. If your chair is sinking in or giving, it may not be lending enough support. In addition, you want to adjust the height so your feet can touch the floor. Also, adjust the arm rests so your arm can rest comfortably by your sides. You want to be able to use proper posture while sitting at your desk.

Your Keyboard and Mouse

The next place you’ll want to implement office ergonomics is with your keyboard and mouse. These two little devices can be the cause of neck pain, arthritis, and carpal tunnel. So, you want to make sure you’re taking the steps to prevent these injuries. Begin by placing the keyboard within easy reach. Practice keeping your arms close to your body and your wrists out straight. In addition, make sure the keyboard is at a level equal to or slightly lower than the height of your elbows. You never want to bend your arm upwards to reach your keyboard or mouse. Also, try using shortcuts to reduce the amount of typing and clicking you must do with your hands.

Your Monitor

Possibly the most important part of office ergonomics is your monitor. Looking at a computer screen can be bad for your neck and back. Try to adjust the monitor so that you are neither looking down or up. Instead, you want it to be directly at eye level. Also, make sure it’s directly behind your keyboard so your whole body is facing one direction. You don’t want to have to strain or twist to see your monitor. In addition, try to keep it about an arm’s length away so you’re not straining your eyes with it being too close or far away.

The key thing to understand is that worker’s injuries can look quite different, depending on the setting within which you work. Therefore, you’ll want to create your own safety protocols that fit the setting that you work in. By taking the time to observe potential injuries, you can create methods for intervention and prevention.

Workplace Illness Prevention Tactics

Most worker’s injuries that you come across are physical. A broken bone, a concussion, a bad slip… There are plenty of ways to receive an injury on the job. However, one means of injury, is illness that you contract on the job site. Just like a physical injury, workplace illness can look plenty of different ways. As many of you know, the flu has been running rampant in the Carolinas over the past few weeks. It seems like between the weather change, and kids getting back to school— most families can’t seem to catch a break. 

However, what you might not realize, is that schools are not the only place where illnesses spread like wildfire. In fact, work spaces are just as common. So, what can you do? Workplace illness prevention tactics are actually quite simple, and as an employee— or employer, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your workplace sick-free.

Workplace Illness Prevention Tactics: Fighting Flu Season 

Disinfect your spaces 

One of the most obvious steps you can take to prevent workplace illness, is to keep your spaces clean and disinfected. You’d be amazed how many germs can make their way into your workspace throughout the day. Shuffled papers, trips to the coffee maker, door knobs… No matter where you go, it is likely that someone with sickness has also been there at some point within the day or week. While this certainly heightens the risk of contracting a workplace illness— disinfecting those high-traffic areas can make a big difference. 

So, wipe down your desk, your keyboard, phone, even the communal coffee pot. Contributing the those spaces that you use, and share, goes a long way.  

Don’t take flu season lightly 

We all think that we’re immune to the sickness, and workplace illness, everyone else faces every year. However, many (or even most) of us find ourselves bedridden at the hands of that infamous ‘something going around’. The flu, along with those pesky colds we pass around, are highly contagious. In fact, a statistic published by the NORC stated that 41 percent of Americans have not, and will not, get a flu shot. Many claimed a lack of effectiveness, and nasty side effects which keep them from participating. 

However, when you’re working in group settings— you might be risking your own, or someone else’s, chance of contracting a workplace illness. 

Know your limits 

We all know how important it is to not miss work. However, the importance of not going to work when you’re sick— is also essential to understand. While we appreciate that you have a strong work ethic, consider the risk of workplace illness in doing so. Many of us have the capability to do some amount of work from our homes. So, if you are sick but still have the ability to work— consider asking your boss to be put on light duty, or remote work duty, until the illness passes.  

Doctor Communication

When it comes to talking to your doctor, you should be honest. In all scenarios regarding your health, honesty is the best policy. But what about during a worker’s compensation case? After an injury, your patient to doctor communication about your injuries should be completely honest. It’s important to paint a clear picture of what happened. Keep in mind, though, this description will not only be heard by your doctor. Your medical records can go under review by lawyers, insurance companies, and judges.

Doctor Communication: Rules to Go By

Be Specific

There is a connection between all parts of the body. Nothing is separate or its own entity. If you are having problems with your knees after an injury mainly regarding your back, tell your doctor. He or she can decide if there is a relation to your worker’s compensation case injury or not. Doctor communication should be thorough and full of details.

Be Knowledgeable

Know what you want to tell your doctor before going in. It might be useful to write down some small details so you don’t forget. Keep in mind that you should make the most of the doctor communication you have. It could be some time before you get back to see that specific doctor.

Be Friendly

Being friendly to office staff, doctors, and nurses will get you further than being rude. Your doctor communication should come across as serious but friendly. Nurses and doctors will be more willing to listen and help if you aren’t rude. Remember that they didn’t get you in this position and are simply trying to help.

Be Honest

You should be honest with your doctor about any pre-existing conditions or medications you are taking. It could save your life because the way some medications interact with each other could kill you. Doctor communication is mostly private, so you should not feel embarrassed or afraid to confide in them.

When it comes to healing after an injury, honesty is the best policy. You should avoid saying things like “I’m fine” if that’s not completely true. Your doctor communication does not only have to be about how good you are feeling; it can be about how bad you are feeling, too.